beth cooper


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first day of midterms

December 15 2006

after the second one my brain was pretty much non existant. id say oatmeal.

the first one was physics: 40 multiple choice. of course you still have to know how to do the problems....i just started taking numbers and dividing or multiplying til i got an answer choice.

and second was english.oooooooooooh man this one almost killed me. 10 identifications, 10 vocab words(you had to give the definition), and 2 essays.

and this weekend i have to finish my senior research essay and chaucer essay as well as study for pre cal and spanish III, what fun

plus bell ringing for salvation army which will hopefully be fun. at least it wont be freezing.


December 15 2006
lol...that what happens to me when im doing those kinds of