beth cooper


Relationship Status





July 24 2006

ahh funness. 

saw lady in the water today. it was actually pretty good and i only jumped 3 times (of course all three times jess was laughing at me but oh well.)

then jess and i went back to my house and hung out for a little while. we ended up going into the woods and after refusing to go any farther he picked me up and carried me. lol  so anyway he had to leave so he could get ready for work. 

oh and i LOVE hugs. ( : 


July 24 2006
ture dat.... man, what happened 2 summer?? i think someone stole our summer.... we need 2 find this culprit.... lol


July 24 2006
it was a good movie... and the purple... yeah! lol


July 30 2006
brrr.... if u only knew the whole story... it's a pretty gross inside joke between me and danielle.... lol


July 30 2006
I wish the people I knew around me were more serious about life . . .


July 30 2006
That's a good point i guess. But to me it seems that alot of people are just going through life thinkig about themselves and never sacrificing themselves for others. And when you bring that up they totally don't care or are too afraid to care