beth cooper


Relationship Status





March 13 2006
well i was getting my hopes up thinking maybe it wouldnt rain and id still get to go to the soccer game, but then 6th period...the rain comes.  and im not just talking about a bit of a sprinkle IT POURS.  so not only is the soccer game canceled but i have to walk outside to my jeep in the pouring rain.  so i get out and start to run but after about 10 feet i realize that im just going to get soaked anyway so instead i just walk the rest of the way.  so then comes the fun part...the ride home.  there are already gigantimous puddles so i turn down the road in my neighborhood that is still not completely finished.  the puddles are pretty big.  i must say, i like driving through the big puddles usually  but today it just didnt excite me.  its stopped raining now.  im not sure what will end up happening. theres sposed to be rain tommorrow also.  then perhaps it will get sunny once again.

Ben Moser

March 13 2006
ehh i did alright i think.

Henri Laswell

March 14 2006
i wasn't really implying that people can't still be special. words and individuals are very different.

Henri Laswell

March 14 2006
glad to hear it.


March 15 2006
havent had time to change it

Henri Laswell

March 16 2006
haha thanks. i'm glad you took the time to talk to me, unlike a lot of others.