


Oakland High School


Tennessee Tech

thin mints

May 04 2006

went to the josh mcdowell tour dilly & it was perty good.  lots of people made decisions for Christ, not sure how many, but quite a few.  mega kewl.  ive decided i need to read his book.  its a book he wrote trying to disprove Christianity, but it didnt quite work out that way for him. 

did you know that... if i were to cover the entire state of texas 2 feet deep in thin mint cookies and had one chance to find the one with no chocolate, while blindfolded.  that would be the same chance that someone could fulfill only 8 of the 333 prophecies made about Christ.  so honestly, did this just happen by chance? nope kids its one of those God things.

Ben Moser

May 05 2006
cruise. w/dad. and his company. free. excused. amazing.