rainy day..

August 29 2005
hey yall-- hope everything's goin well. had a great time this weekend at the retreat! much-o fun-o. school's ok. but speaking of school.. scholl's out tomorrow for rain!! yay! im glad we're out but i hope that those in louisiana are safe. ive heard its already been really bad down there. just keep them in your prayers. my da's been doing really well too. this ppast week has been rough on him but he's only got 9 more chemo treatments until he's finally done!! praise Jesus! =) well-- hope yall have a great week..

Garrett Haynes

August 29 2005
wooooooooow i know i tell u like everyday but i love u like alot lol i am PUMPED that school is out tomorrow i think we should all get together and go do something! That is great to hear about your dad. We actually brought up your dad in bible study tonight when we were talking about selflessness and what u said at the leadership retreat. Believe it or not...our bible studies do not include gossip anymore lol so cole won't be able to tell us off. Ok i'm rambling now so i'll just leave it at that love u have a great day off of school tomorrow!


August 29 2005
wow is right, this bible study was really the best of my life. and tomorrow, now im ganna get to do nothing except fun. aaawwwww its ganna be great. and i gatta new nickname. mine can be SUNKIST!!!!!! how great is that. lol it doesnt really matter if u think it is great. lol jk, but i do. so its all good. ill cya tomorrow. bye


August 30 2005
haha yes ma'am you can...only if you scratch mine first. _kt