
January 30 2006
hey guys.. just been thinking lately. one of my favorite things to do is sit back and watch people.. its so interesting how people act when they think no one is watching. to see how different people can act. i pray continually that i am not one of those people who acts totally different in certain situations. ive learned that its oh so easy to act different. but all that is doing is trying to please someone other than yourself. and acting different in certain situations is simply being comfortable and not willing to close your eyes and take that giant leap of faith into the unknown. we must never everrr become comfortable. that means that we are not learning and growing in God. when everything is "alright", we simply arent digging deep in the Word and looking for God to grow in us. we simply dont want change. and that is the scariest place to be. well-- im in an interesting place right now. im defenitely learning that God is the only thing that will never break my heart or let me down. like i said, i was just thinking..i pray that everyone has a great week and makes the verey best of every situation. love yall! <3


January 30 2006
wow thats pretty cool. it really makes you think. even after all these hard times, the thing that they do best is make u grow. and we can always grow a little more.

the brian king kenobi

January 30 2006
good stuff . . . and yeah, i like watching people, too. that's one of the reasons i go to starbucks. seeya tomorrow.

kaitlin gay

January 30 2006
mmmm... =)

kaitlin gay

February 01 2006
an <b>oh so</b> hard one.. at that

Garrett Haynes

February 02 2006
Thanks for my comment! I can tell that God is really growing you too. I think that is a really good point about not wanting change. We tend to get into our "comfort zones" and are satisfied with what we have in our walk. But we should never be satisfied, b/c we have to continually want more. Those are really good thoughts. Well I was just thinkin about it...and I can't wait till formal! We r gonna have so much fun just all of us hangin out in our dresses and tuxes. And also the student life conference is gonna be so tight! Well I love u jelly rolls and I hope u have a wonderful day. ~Garrett


February 02 2006
well... one of these mornings we are going to wake up and go to ihop. i just dont know when. but until then, its all good, because tomorrow is friday. and u need to update. and u need to leave me comments. wow, ur slackin. lol jk. ill cya at school tomorrow. i cant WAIT to watch csi in mrs uptons class. its ganna be a blast. lol

kristen teeters

February 04 2006
hey girl!! its teeters! wow that is one gorgeous picture of u and alex ahaha well i hope ur having a great day today! i just want to let you know that im praying for you and i love u oh so much! lol take it easy kristen

Michael Border-Line Pronounceable

February 04 2006
Genevieve, tu es une bonne aime! You rock, girl. lol. You're absolutely right. The only real comfort we should look for is the comfort that comes from the joy of our salvation in Christ, but it's hard as heck to give up the comforts of this world. That's okay though, 'cause our God is one Big God!!

kaitlin gay

February 04 2006
it made me sad that we couldnt hang out tonight, we are doing it sooon though =) i love you!