Let's play a little game called..

September 22 2005
The Blame Game.

Now, the rules of the game are as follows.
- Everytime something bad happens, you find someone to blame.
- They don't have to be connected in any way to what happened.
- Whatever reason given is good enough to create a following.

It's President Bush's fault.
It's the Liberal's fault.
It's the environmentalists fault.
It's the American people's fault.
It's Saddam's fault.
It's the media's fault.

Does anyone honestly see how childish this all is??

Think of it like this: when our children and our children's children are studying American history they'll read about World War 2, the hippies of the 60's, the Clinton Impeachment, and "The Blame Game." What kind of legacy are we leaving here, people? Quit blaming everyone and just help out! Katrina was made ploitical because people wanted someone to blame over a HURRICANE.

Now that another one is on the way, everyone is getting a head start and trying to blame someone for why gas is going to rise or where everyone is going to go or where Natalie Holloway is..wait..no..everyone on TV is playing the game that is fascinating America while the whole world looks on and laughs..

The Blame Game.

Grow up.
Shut up.
Open your eyes.


September 22 2005
Hmmmm.... good point.


September 27 2005
I completly agree with you on this one "the blame game" it's not worth the waist of breath!