KY Kingdom!

July 31 2005

photo from kylewesley

That'd be Lyndi, myself, Matt, and Taran on 'Chang' @ Kentucky Kingdom.

I believe my exact words when we got off the coaster were "Thank goodness I wore my Huggies!" That's right. I said that. :-P

Louisville was a fun trip..very tiring though.
Kentucky has some of the worst roads..

Hide and Seek is an "eh" movie, I think so anyway.

Most of you know I don't like to ride roller coasters (and for those who don't know me..I don't like to ride roller coasters). Well I rode some at Kentucky Kingdom and heh..yeah..I'm still looking for my stomach...

1 remark? Maybe I should give up..

Mallory Gambill

July 31 2005
same here.... no one remarks OR leaves comments. GRR.


August 01 2005
the chang was a great ride! but i liked some of the other ones there better! hope u had fun!

Kristin Bell

August 02 2005
Here's 3!!! Now you have 3 remarks.