So many sites..

July 18 2005

I think I've got too many websites, heh.



and of course, my phusebox.

Where did everyone who took a senior trip go to this summer? I do believe I'll be in Louisville, KY next weekend at Kentucky Kingdom. Cheap, yet fun. :-)

Lyndi and I are on a kind of movie binge. We've seen alot of the 'summer movies,' most of which I thought were pretty good.

- Batman Begins
- Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
- Fantastic 4
- War of the Worlds
- Cinderella Man (wow, it's long)
- The Longest Yard
- Madagascar
- Mr. and Mrs. Smith
- Wedding Crashers (funniest movie EVER)

- Star Wars 3
- Bewitched
- Herbie: Fully Loaded

- Shark Boy and Lava Girl (we took Lyndi's 5 year old brother to see it)

"You better not leave me 'cause I'll find you, hehehehehe..(wierd psychotic look)..hehe."

College is gonna rock. 31 days..

If one were to build a time machine (if such a machine could exist) would you really travel back in time to visit what's already gone on (changing or not changing anything) or leap into the future to see what awaits you? If the events of the past were altered in every individual's respect would it benefit your future? Think back on a memory that says something like "If I could change what I did/said then I would" and really ask yourself if that event were to be altered then would your life now be different than the way it is for better? Possibly worse even? It's just my humble opinion but I believe that no matter how much you wish to change something that's gone on in the past it would be, not entirely pointless but somewhat senseless. Yes, we must take into consideration events such as death, a great loss of somesort, or a tragic event on a wide-scale (i.e. 9/11) but don't things happen for a reason? What doesn't kill us makes us stronger, right? No matter how badly you get hurt, either emotionally or physically, if you're still living its because something greater is meant for you. The loss of a loved one, while sad and upsetting, can also mean a new path for you or someone else to take..Ellen Dent comes to mind in this seeing as how her death came too soon yet so many people old and young came into church and came to know Christ.

One thing I'll always believe is that no matter how bleak your situation is, how lonely you are, or how hurt you may be there is always something better meant for you. We may not see it immediately but goodness always comes out of badness with everyone telling a different story.

So back to the notion of building a time machine: I wouldn't have any use for it. What's happened has happened and it did so for a specific reason. What will happen will take place as God has set out for it to. All I'm trying to say here is that don't waste your life on the "What if's" and trying to undo something that is impossible to undo. Live life for all it's worth and enjoy it with the ones you love.

If you look back forever, you'll trip and fall on your future.

Special thanks to Alex Rader for giving me the idea of the whole 'time machine' paragraph and to Lyndi Rose for allowing me to be the one you enjoy life with. :-)



July 19 2005
man y'all have seen a ton of movies!! wow...31 days... :o(

Crystal Smalley

July 19 2005
the pictures of you and lyndi are too adorable.


July 19 2005
wow thats a lot of movies!!


July 23 2005
hey boi are you stalking me lol wed crash. is such a great movie!!!