This IS better than xanga..

June 25 2005
So everyone was right. This is a whole lot better than xanga.

Orientation for UT is Tuesday and Wednesday so that should be fun. The campus is awesome and I love the "college town" atmosphere so if my past two visits tell me anything about this fall, I'm going to love it.

It's been a while since I've taken the time to sit down and write something meaningful about life, friends, people, or anything really and when I want to find the right words to write they're not there. Maybe it's because I've become extremely lazy or even extremely busy but whatever the case is I want to write something that everyone can connect with on all levels for you guys to enjoy :-).

Life couldn't get any better right now and I owe that to my friends who keep me laughing and to my girlfriend who keeps me smiling.

Sam-Graham Jinn (Graham Wells)

June 25 2005
Come on, Namo made it, of course it's better!


June 25 2005
You have seen the light!

Jason Thacker

June 25 2005
i am happy 4 you

cole brown

June 25 2005
i heart kyle

Crystal Smalley

June 26 2005
good idea... i miss your writing. and you're right, things couldn't get much better.