It had to happen sometime..

October 27 2005

Some idiot on the 7th floor lit a trash can on fire at 2:00 this morning so everyone was standing outside freezing and pissed because it woke almost everyone up.

Funny thing was the fire alarms didn't go off on all of the floors..just the 8th and the 7th.

AND to add more on top of our fun day/night...Jason and I have had no air in our room for about 3 weeks because no one bothered to fixed the a/c from 1965 until now. They are fixing it as I am typing this and they told us that we cannot turn on our air because the building has turned on the heat for the winter. Just for the record..I love to have the air on in the dead of winter. Makes me feel..confortable.

So I guess it's official. I'm a victim of the big orange screw.

It had to happen sometime..

Nathan Moore

October 27 2005
arg. that sucks.