This is so awesome..

October 16 2005

Lovin' the new phusebox.
Kudos for Nathan.

Saturday night I went to Monster Mountain in Hendersonville with Lyndi, Kayree, Chris, and Kayla. First of all, it was out in hicktown, down a long, winding, 2 lane road, and in the middle of an old tralier park. To sum it all was scary before we even got in line. If I could explain what it was like waiting in line, I wouldn't be able to talk through all the laughter. Lyndi wrapped her arms around me, we zipped my jacket up around her, and she wrapped her legs around my waist. I looked pregnant in an odd sort of way, she looked warm, we all looked completely stupid, ha. It wasn't scary like a million people were jumping out at you, it was scary because it was in the woods, at night, hardly any light, and we had no idea what was gonna pop out at us..i.e. the air compressor, pinhead, Jesus (inside joke..).

Went for my advising session today to see what all I should take in the spring. I've got laid out what I think to be a near perfect schedule. The hard part is obtaining the classes I want and I can't do that until mid-November.

I'm so excited about the next 3 and a half years. I'll start taking 'real' journalism courses next semester and after that I'll be knee deep in it. I just hope I'm good enough to make my dreams come true..

I've done 2 productive things today:
1) won the national championship on NCAA 06 w/ Tennessee
2) went to the UC to get a bigger notebook

I love my days off.
I should probably get a job..or..something.

I've gained close to 10 lbs since I moved up here. My dad told me I was gaining a little weight. I tried on an old shirt and my stomach sticks out like I'm 2 months pregnant.

SEE!? I told you guys I'm fat..ha. Riiight.

Adios mi amigos!