
April 12 2006
"Love is giving someone the power to destroy you... and trusting they won't" - Justin Vance's Friend Blake (ha)

so. it was a nice day...church was good..
brian, cam, and rachel came over afterwards..so that was fuuun...burned brian some stay fly- y-y-y ...ha..

well, anybody can be like me,
But then, now again,
not too many can be like you


In the lonely night
In the blinking stardust of a pale blue light
You're comin' thru to me in black and white
when we were made of dreams..

Bob Dylan

p.s. the moon is gorgeous tonight.

Randy Rodden

April 12 2006
forget the moon, You're gorgeous tonight!!! jk. But I really like that quote, it's pretty awesome! Tell your sister that she needs to get on her Phusebox sometime this year or I'll get my boy Nathan to kick her out!!!


April 12 2006
so you like the quote then huh? you should've left a comment...haha, see ya soon!


April 13 2006
i'm still in awe of that thing. especially after seeing it in person. and yes, the moon was magnificent. [. . . til i die- ie-ie-ie . . .]

the brian king kenobi

April 13 2006