welcome home wallet!

December 05 2005
well. another monday has come and is going..i actually had a pretty decent muanday:

i found my wallet!...thank the Lord! ..im a happy girl now that im not driving illegally...ha.

i want to just say real fast a few things about the people that im CRAZY about:

Donna Shearron. my mom. not yours! ha. sometimes i think all of her students from siegel are going to come home with us, but at the end of the day shes mine all mine. i love her so much. i hope that someday i will be just like her..a strong beautiful woman that lives for so much everyday of her life.

Johnny, or as i say- daddy..well what can i say about my dad..just like me and my mom we dont always see eye to eye..but good grief i could never ask for more. my dad is such a good dad. hes always been such an example of a man that loves God and our family.

Keato..frito.. burrito.. mosquito?..ha..she'll kill me for writing that..but yea. shes.. my sister! weve grown up side by side..from barbies to playing in the rain ..nobody beats my sis.

Em. wow. what do i say about miss. emily joy windham? shes more than i could ever have hoped for in a best friend. she never ceases to make me laugh..or to say exactly the right thing.. shes my accountablity partner and the real thing when it comes to an awesome girl that is going to do amazing things with her life.. the guy that gets her is so lucky

lauren nicdao: ..well we are both pretty busy, and we both have our own things going on. but gah lee we are the same person..i love that girl so so much- she doesnt even know.

rachel summar: .. this girl gets me through school. and helps me stay sane in oakland high school.

will veale: ..makes school fun and helps me make it through school too.

josh pipes: such an awesome guy- funny, fun, easy to talk to, caring... and of course he doesnt even see it ..he always has been there for me.

so ..yea, i just felt like those awesome people deserved some credit from someone that loves them all very very much.

Carla Simpson

December 05 2005
you are soo blessed to have such a great family! both your mom and your dad are wonderful people - and keaton is soo precious! sometimes, i WISH i could come home with your mom ;)


December 06 2005
One day you'll wake up and all of us Siegel kids that take lessons from your mom will be camping out on your front lawn, just waiting to see her...no I'm totally kidding that would be creepy in a mass-stalker kind of way. Anyway, see you around!

Super Ste

December 07 2005
::shakes fist at you::<br><br>xoxo

Drink Dajen

December 07 2005
hey girl... howabout those chemistry worksheets??? :O ttyl jen


December 07 2005
Kelsey Kelsey Kelsey... : )

Super Ste

December 08 2005
i read your essay. i think it's a 5 or so...<br>hehe<br>thanks for the kind words. i can always count on you to help me see things the way they are and not how i see them. i don't have the highest self-esteem sometimes.<br>but, like i said this morning, i got over the jealousy part.<br>and I LOVE YOU! so much.<br>-ste baby-