Whats today again?

July 25 2005
*oh yeah* now i remember. Today is pain day at the dentist! and it's only like 15 more days until my birthday!! *yeah baby* Well our church is making some big changes on teh youth side, it urks me but after a while i think it's do-able. I think in the long run the changes might help the church, or at least the youth side. Big church though (were all the "adults" go) i don't think they're gonna like the new changes. They're supposed to change our 11a.m. service to a more contemporary style but the guy who does the music, is pretty much not bent on the change. My friend tried out to play over there and she said the music is exactly the same just alittle more upbeat. Ugg... the evil music director completly dissed our music on the youth side, because what we play David Crowder, Lifehouse, and other cool bands songs? It wouldn't be so bad if all we played were songs written by other artists, but Aric (the music minister) wrote some of those songs and they are really good and reach alot of people. This guy needs to roll with the times alittle bit... I feel better now that i've said all that. I really need to talk to my youth minister about all of this. I'm alittle worried that some of our youth group will stop coming on Sundays and that our youth side will slowly go buh bye. I need to go eat so adios.


July 25 2005
lol...I know how you feel. =/ Except it's kinda the opposite for me. Our youth minister is rather narrow-minded, so the people that don't fit in with his youth group all leave, and now it seems like all the people I knew and could talk to have left, leaving a bunch of preppy, rich kids for the youth group. ::sigh:: and we now have no music program for the youth because it doesn't fit in with our youth minister's 'program'. D-:<