
March 02 2006
im not much of a photographer... but my camera sux so it sont help... heres some nifftynes...


i miss the snow....DANG i got big feet!

Tires @ bud's tire....

in my way to.... school.... i think

my WONDERFUL key board...

yah its real.... LOL.... i took it a few weeks ago at the park...

my trip to the sherrifs dept.... ?


Ben Moser

March 02 2006
hah you know that last one was from your bathroom...

Ashley who?

March 03 2006

Ashley who?

March 03 2006
uhm tis a secret, and I was @ kittrell

Sarah Vermillion

March 03 2006
There is a certain art to bong making. I mean, if you're going to have a bong, it might as well be a pretty bong, don't you think? I think I should type bong some more. Bong, bong, bong.

Jonathan Allmon

March 05 2006
I'm probably leaving Oakland. Just so you know.