
February 15 2006
shopping today....
field trip tomorrow.....
half day on friday....

i miss the snow!!!


February 15 2006
me 2 ...

Jonathan Allmon

February 15 2006
I don't want you to get any ideas about that card. I'm not sure why I made it but it was not trying to get you back. We would never work out. I realized that I have been a horrible boyfriend in all my relationships. I have read the teen dating violence things on the scrolling annoucements and understood that I am a complete ass. I just wanted you to remember me for something sweet, not the horrendous end I put you through. I hope you and "him" work out and that your happy. I still love you and that will never change.

Sarah Vermillion

February 15 2006
snow = rutherford county goes <b><i>CRRRAZY!</b></i> = no school = good