in love?

February 10 2006

so... what do you do when you find out that your first love.... the only guy you have ever been IN love with is married... yah i sed married... and has a baby on the way... am i supposed to be upset... am i a bad person for crying?... i was upset... he didnt even tell me his dad did... just a casual call to make sure hes alive and all this news at once about killed me... i mean i know i've moved on but deep in my heart i still love him and always will.... hmmmm its just so funny how we are all growing up so fast and every thing is changing... ppl who u thought would be together forever are breaking up and ppl who hated each other are fallin in love.... the world is funny and NOONE has yet figured out its secrets... what does God have in store for you!?!   who knows.... could u imagin marring the person who u hate the most... or could u see yourself dating someone of the same sex... ppl change opinions change everything changes.... lets just say that what happened w/ drew and sabrina... and now the phone call to jonathan has been a HUGE reality slap in the face.... and every one needs to WAKE THE HECKUP and realize that every thing isnt going to "be like it used to" and to Jon im sorry for not wanting u to change who u were i should have excepted that u were getting older and changing... maybe i just dont want to change... i want to be the little innocent 16 year old who can act immature and have fun all the time.... well its time for me to realize.... that i cant... im almost 17 and i graduate next year... maybe i should grow up a little ...... HAHAHAHA YAH RIGHT i'll be immature till im 18 (but of course i'll except change) screw the rest of u cuz if u dont like it u can suck my ..............


Jonathan Allmon

February 11 2006
Your not being nice in the literal sense of the word. Your trying to make me not forget you and that cannot happen. I have to forget you. I have to leave my love for you behind. I have to evolve. So please just stop.

Jonathan Allmon

February 11 2006
I'm sorry for any rudeness that may seem is in my comments. I am not trying to be rude. I'm just in an emotionally fragile state and trying to cope. And your not helping in the slightest. I will always love you, Tricia. But I have to be left alone.

Sarah Vermillion

February 11 2006
Woah. What? Who?