Thankyou Jesus. . . God's working

July 05 2005
I'm resting on the counter by my office today and my boss walks up and mentions the time I need off to go to NY. . . without me ever mentioning it to her. . . then she proceeds to inform me that it will be no big deal for me to take that week off!

I had never mentioned it to her because i was worried and nervous about asking b/c i've already had a lot of time off, but she mentioned it to me...

walking away, all i could say was "Thankyou Jesus". . .

Maria Haun

July 05 2005
Praise God! He is so good! And I am so excited to see you!!!!!

Rachael Moore

July 05 2005
wow. that is awesome! glad you get to go!!!

Alicia May

July 05 2005
That is great! I haven't really decided if im going or not! I just don't think i can do it right now! Trust me i really wanna go but, i don't thhink it is going to hapen!

Anna Miller

July 05 2005
that's awesome


July 05 2005
YAY!!!! now i just have to ask off!!! pray for me!!!


July 05 2005
that's crazy! that's so God. tomorrow, i have to ask for time off and i'm nervous about it too b/c i already asked for a week off. but this is really encouraging! new york is going to be amazing

Stephen Hamby

July 05 2005
dude! thats awesome


July 05 2005


July 05 2005


July 05 2005 i realize that i wrote "that's is"...oh well

Michael Border-Line Pronounceable

July 05 2005
I think the only way God could have said, "I want you to go to New York" more plainly was if He had rode a flaming chariot right through your office wall and told you Himself. I'll be praying for you all when you go.

kelsey shearron

July 06 2005
thats awesome!..God is So cool.:-)

Rachael Vance

July 13 2005
good...i was afraid you'd get in trouble!