Christmas Break!!!

December 17 2005

Yay!!! Two whole weeks away from school!

I just got home from eating with my family. We went to Marina's which is the best restaurant ever! I love going there.It's been a pretty good weekend so far...kinda lonely which is odd cause i'm surrounded by people ... have no idea what that's about.'s been a rough week...actually the past month has been hard.I don't know if it's just because it's the christmas season or what but i've been kinda sad lately...i know,i know , i should be happy...and i am but at the same time i feel a bit of saddness that seems to creep up on me the moment i least expect it too or when i really don't want it to be there. Oh goes on...

This is kind of how i feel...

December 14 2005

I can't really say how i'm feeling cause i can't find the right words. So i was listening to "Fix You" by Coldplay and i guess that is sorta how i feel. (I know that this makes no sense at all but i don't really care at the moment.)                  


         When you try your best but you don't succeed

           when you get what you want but not what you need

           when you feel so tired but you can't sleep

           stuck in reverse

          And the tears come streaming down your face

          when you lose something you can't replace

         when you love someone but it goes to waste

         could it be worse.....


Yes , i know i'm quoting coldplay but it is really kinda how i feel at the moment and i couldn't think of anything better to say.

Simple things

December 12 2005
Why do we have to make life so complicated? I wish there was more time to enjoy God's amazing creation. But of course i get so caught up in everyday worries and cares that i simply forget.But when i do think about it i am just amazed! On a clear night, look up at the is beautiful! I think one of the happiest times i've had in the past few months was when i was sitting on the roof of mk's house and we were just talking about life and we had starbucks coffee and the stars and moon were out. It's the simple things in life that really stand out in my memory.

i am tired

December 10 2005
I am so incredibly exhasuted that i would just like to spend the next week catching up on my sleep but of course i know that isn't going to happen(unless i sleep during class...but that wouldn't be good because we have exams.)I took the ACT today and when it was over i don't think i had a single intelligent thought for at least an hour.I was so tired and drained. But at least it's over for now.It just seems like one thing after another seems to come along and i get even more stressed out that i already am.And on top of that i think i might be getting sick. Oh what fun...ONE MORE WEEK!!!!

is this week ever going to end?

December 07 2005
I think i'm losing it! I'm so stressed out! Agh!!! Where is snow when you need it?

2 more weeks!!!!

December 05 2005
yep that's right! Only 2 more weeks till Christmas break! I 'm so incredibly excited and extremely stressed out because the teachers are piling everything on us this week and we have midterms next week. But if it's the price i have to pay for 2 weeks out of school then that's fine with me.Now all we need is snow.


December 03 2005

I had a great night!

December 02 2005
Hello everyone! I actually got to do something on a Friday night! I didn't end up sitting at home like i have been for the past few weeks. (i know that i seem way to excited about this but it was alot of fun.) I went to a concert at MTSU with one of my friends. It was amazing! It made me wish i could play an instrument or sing. The only thing i've ever played was the flute in 5th and 6th grade and i was horrible! Well...i think i am going to watch tv. Goodnight!


November 28 2005
I had a really good day and yet i still feel really weird. I don't know why. I'm worrying about things too much and yet i can't bring myself to stop worrying.I need to talk to someone but no one is there at the moment.I'm ready for christmas break! I'm not sure if i'm sad or mad or just ...i don't know. Too many emotions to just pick one. I feel like i've lost a friend and that is really bothering me but i don't know how to act around this person anymore.I'm afraid to go and talk to them because i don't want to be annoying and .....agh! I need to take a walk but it's quite cold outside and wet and .....yeah.....well i'm going to try to become a little less confused and figure this whole thing out.Goodnight.


November 25 2005
Hello everyone! Thanksgiving was AWESOME! It was so good to see my family and spend time with them. I just got back from the movies and we went to see Walk The Line. It was really good.Well, i hope everyone is having a good weekend!


November 18 2005
I really don't have anything to say...i'm tired and sad and i'm going to go watch more movies and try not to think.


November 12 2005
It's Saturday night and i'm at home...i'm kinda tired but then i can't sleep. I'm just hoping that someone will call so i won't feel so out of it. Do you ever just really need to talk to someone but everyone is busy? Oh well...i guess i'll watch t.v.

I'm home!!!

November 08 2005
I finally got back from Harding yesterday.It was so boring! But it could have been much worse.I'm so tired. Ok i really am not trying to complain. So...anyways...i just finished my homework and i'm kinda bored...hmmm...i'm trying to think of something slightly lost my shoes...ok this isn't going too well. Last night i was thinking and i realized how much i take for granted the time i get to spend with the people i love and care about. It bothers me that i do that. Life is way too short to take the time we do have for granted. I'm sorry if this all seems so random but i guess what i'm trying to say is that i don't really realize how much that time and the people i spend that time with means to me till i don't have it.I've kinda realized this over the past few weeks and it was really on my mind this weekend at Harding. The good thing about going to Harding was that i got to spend more time with some people in my class and i got to know some people better that i hadn't really talked to very much before. And at the same time i really missed people here too. I know it was only for a few days. Ok...sorry about all that...just kinda bored.


November 03 2005

Hey everyone...i get to go to Harding this weekend for chorus. (im not really looking forward to it at all but maybe it won't be too bad.) It's been an ok week so far. I've kinda been feeling a little sad lately but its too complicated to explain and way to much to type. I think i'll be ok i just have to quit thinking about it or i'll go wait a minute...i've already gone crazy. Well that's about all i have to say at the moment. I'm kinda bored. Well goodnight everyone and i hope ya'll have a wonderful Friday.

I want to live in a city

October 27 2005
Ok...i'm a little irritated about something. Everyone keeps telling me that i wouldn't want to live in the city and that it's too big. How do they know what i want to do? They don't know what goes on in my head so i wish they would stop telling me what i want to do.Maybe i don't want to live in a small town for the rest of my life.I want to go to other places and see the world. I'm not sure how i'm going to do that but i day i'm going to pack my bags and go somewhere.Anywhere...well...i'd probably go to England first but after that i'll probably just pick somewhere and go. ( least thats what i'd like to do.) So...sorry i had to vent.

I'm bored...

October 25 2005
School started back and i'm really trying to be positive but it's been really boring so far...most of the school is gone and yes we are doing some work in a few classes but it's mostly alot of sitting in a desk and staring at the wall.(ok i'm not complaining about not doing work i just think they should give us the week off.)


October 22 2005

I just got back from the MTSU homecoming game and it was pretty fun even though i had no idea what was going on. I'm really tired and nothing seems to be coming out quite right whenever i say i guess that's all...our yard sale went pretty well today.(in case anyone was interested.) I'm still trying to think of places i could move so if anyone has any ideas please tell me...i was thinking maybe England cause i've always wanted to go there but it's kinda far away...


October 21 2005
Today was the last day of Fall Break and it was kind of depressing. I did get a new cd though...Anberlin. It's awesome! I highly recommend it.I really wish Fall Break was longer but i guess i can make it till Thanksgiving but that seems so far away. In other parents have decided to have yet another yard sale and i have to get up and help. Oh what fun...

Early Morning...

October 17 2005
Yes...I know i should still be asleep since it's fall break but...i have so much going through my head. Last night i went to Starbucks with Mk and we talked about alot of the stuff that's been on our minds and then we went back to her house and sat on the roof and talked for a little while longer and I'm still processing it all. I'm tyring to figure out my life and what I'm supposed to do with it and i just realized that i have no idea... I know that God has a plan for all of us I just don't know how I'm going to know when I'm doing what God wants me to do in my life. It's all so confusing....


October 16 2005

Hello is finally fall break! I'm so, so happy! But I'm extremely tired.

One More Week...

October 09 2005
Yeah, that's more week till fall break!!! I'm so happy I could jump around my room (well...maybe its the coffee...) I need fall break so bad! church tonight they had the Honduras report.This is where they showed pictures from the mission trip this summer and talked about some of the experiences that they had there. It was really good and i think i finally decided which mission trip I'm going on. But i still have a while before i definately have to know...but for some reason i keep thinking about Honduras.It will be the first mission trip i've ever been on...


October 03 2005
Yes i know i am usually this way but today felt even more confusing.Today I just existed...i don't think i really contributed to anything...i was just there.

The Phantom of the Opera

October 01 2005
I just got back from Mary-Katherine's house where me, mary-katherine and Bret watched the phantom of the opera and i have to say that is one of the best movies i've ever seen! I loved it! Then we just sat around and talked for awhile.Today was also fall festival and i got to hang out with Zach almost all day.That made me happy. Well...i'm gonna try to finish my homework so i can enjoy Sunday.( I get to go to Kingwood!)

Air Mattress

September 28 2005
I thought i would try to explain my profile photo. My family had a yard sale with Katie's family and Katlyn brought an air mattress and we decided it would be fun to jump on it and Katlyn took pictures.It was probably one of the most entertaining things i have ever done.I'll try to put some more of the air mattress pictures on here when i figure it out. They are hilarious.Well...i'm tired so i think i'm going to sleep and try not to think about stuff.

People laughed at me all day today

September 26 2005
Yeah...literally. I guess my stupidness was evident even more so today.Oh long as some people were happy it's fine.