Good days, but busy

March 14 2006
SO today was good, it was just really busy.  I woke up and decided I wanted to be pretty so I curled my hair and dressed nice and impressed everyone who normally sees me look grungy.  So that was fun.  And my hair stayed curly the whole day.  I thought I wasn't going to be able to eat today and the awesome guy that Trent is, he brought me food.  And it was GREAT.  So after classes and doing my duty of sitting in the box office, we had to host auditions for my directing class.  Then as soon as that was over, I had to run the B so that I could do the whole cast of Wizard of Oz and Hulk Hogan.  I also got to add some sideburns for Elvis.  So that was delightful.  Doing make-up makes my day.  I think that is something I would LOVE to do for a living, but I don't think I'm technically good enough for it to be my career.  I cannot wait for Spring Break.  Absolutely cannot.  I get to go to two concerts and sew lots of things.  I also get to go to Southeast's Easter Pageant.  I've never been before so I'm excited.  And this is the last year for it so it's even better.  Anyway, I hope everyone else has a great week and an ever better Spring Break, if you haven't had it yet!

Play Analysis...I hate them!

March 12 2006
So, you'd think a play analysis would take SOME work but that it wouldn't be too bad.  Well, I spent 12 hours yesterday just working on that alone.  And I'm only about half done!  It's ridiculous.  I didn't go to church this morning because I figured I better make sure that I can get this thing done today.  Hopefully it won't take me too much longer, but I don't know.  Pray for me, you all, because I'm struggling right now. 

In other news:
RELIENT K IS IN 6 DAYS!!!!!!!  So at least I have something to look forward to!


March 06 2006
Mid-term time is one of my least favorite times ever.  I have so much stuff due and I don't like it.  I have a web design due on friday along with a virtual notebook and an actual midterm due on Wednesday and a huge project due on Monday.  So why am I typing this, because I don't want to do any of it.  But, alas, I'm a good student and sometimes I just don't want to be.

Anyway, in other news, my mom has assigned me (although I basically volunteered) to make her several things over my Spring Break.  This is good because I won't have ANYTHING to do.  And it will give me practice.

So, I saw When Harry Met Sally for the first time ever and it was a decent movie but not as GREAT as everyone claims.  Sure, it's a love story and I like those but it was just ok.  Sorry everyone who loves that movie.  You know what movie is really fabulous and is a love story?  Pride and Prejudice.  I do, btw, happen to LOVE that movie.  Well, this has been fun but I have stuff to do!  Have a great evening, I will talk to you all later, if I ever update.

Pride & Prejudice

March 01 2006
I am so excited about Pride & Prejudice being out on dvd.  I loved that movie.  It is probably one of my abesolute favorites and I don't know why.  I'm not a particular fan of Kiera Knightly nor do I really like those kind of stories but I loved that movie.  As soon as I get money (which may be never) I think I will buy that dvd.  Hmmm...that sounds like a good idea.


February 28 2006
So life has been pretty decent recently.  Haven't been getting into too much trouble.  I'm just working in the box office hanging out.  I love it.  Anyway, made another purse and it's orange and fabulous.  For all of you who don't know, orange is my favorite color.  My mood has been pretty good recently.  I worked a lock-in on Saturday and I was sooo tired.  I tried so hard to get some sleep but I physically could not.  So I was really worried about driving home on Sunday morning.  However, I didn't have a problem staying awake, but we got lost and added like an hour.  That was fun.  Everything was kinda mad at me but whatever.  I get paid for my gas.  So Sunday night I was so tired that I was going to take a nap at 5pm.  Was going to wake up at 6:30 to do some work but apparently I never heard the alarm and slept right through it.  Lauren was going to kill me because it just kept going off.  I got a phone call at 11:20 that I heard and then went right back to sleep.  I then woke up at 3:30am.  I was so confused when I woke up because I couldn't figure out why all the lights were out and why it was dark outside.  So I decided I would get ready for bed and promptly went back to sleep.  I then woke up late for my 9:10 class.  Apparently I turned off my alarm while sleeping.  So in total, I slept for about 15.5 hours and it was glorious.  And I felt awesome on Monday morning.  So it was great.  So that's all the news I have for now.  I'll talk to ya'll later.


February 16 2006
SO tonight I had one of the best nights I've had in a long time!  I ran to Wal-Mart after Players practice with Trent and on the way back we ended up running to fuzzy duck on a whim because I'd had a headache all day and needed a picker-upper.  While there, I remembered Trent talking about swinging at Cave Run and I realized we could swing at the local park.  So we did before PBS and it turned out to be awesome.  We just played and had a good time.  I mean it was like we were 10 or something and it just relieved a lot of stress and put me in a great mood.  I was lovin' it.  So anyway, thanks Trent for an awesome night!  You are a GREAT friend.


February 14 2006
So it's V-Day and I have no valentine.  That's no goodness.  Makes me lonely but I gave out the really cheap valentines and that made people smile so that was really fun.  I got to do make-up for TNL so that was super awesome.  I'll have pics up later.  I got to put staples in someone's face.  That's awesome.  And I did a witch and rosied someone's cheeks.  That's about all I did with my v-day.  Pretty boring!


February 10 2006
I retract everything I just said.  Sorry.  I'm glad to know they still love me!!!


February 10 2006
So my day definitely just got a whole lot worse.  I found out one of my friends doesn't consider me as good of a friend as I thought.  That hurt a lot.  I just hurt.  I'm trying really hard not to cry even though I really want to.  I mean this person meant a lot to me and I thought they felt the same way but I guess they don't and that is just one of those things that can just wound you.  I don't know.  I just thought I would share.


February 09 2006
So I'm ready to go to Poland.  Training was awesome and I love all the girls that I met and are on my team.  Made some new friends: Jared, Amber, Kent, Josh, Levi, KAYLA.  It was good times.  I loved it.  This week has been a little rough for me.  I learned that my tags on my car expired on Jan. 31.  That's not cool.  I also learned that I haven't had a valid form of insurance in my posession since Nov. 5, 2005.  That's no good.  So I can't drive my car until I get my new license plate that my wonderful Father sent me yesterday.  So, I might be bumming rides.  I don't know.  I need more fabric and I need zippers.  I don't know why I've been so bummed and down this week but I have and it's starting to frustrate me.  I need to perk up and I don't know how I'm gonna make that happen.  I know that I need to work on it because other people are starting to ask me and I'm supposed to be the happy one and I usually am.  So I will work on that.  That's my homework for this weekend.  I will work on it diligently.  Lauren's been gone all this week and won't be back til Sunday and I miss her.  I miss her a lot.  It's soooo lonely in the room by myself.  Well, PBS is going to start soon so I will talk to ya'll later.


February 02 2006
All of a sudden, I have been really tired.  I mean, like all week.  Tomorrow I have training for Poland.  I am soooo excited.  I can't wait till I get to go.  I really want to head off to Poland.  I'm kinda just bored this semester.  I'm not as stimulated as I think I usually am.

well that picture was for your viewing pleasure.  Several BSU-ers went to go see the groundhog today.  That must have been exciting.  Too bad I don't take such risks.  But I am spending the summer in a different country so I can't complain too much.  Well, I think I need to run to the BSU for rehearsal.  So I will talk to ya'll later!


January 28 2006

This is for Trent Ashcraft.  He wrote a beautiful Xanga just for me because I complained so much about him not updating.  Therefore, Trent deserves his own Phusebox entry.  Trent brightens my day everyday.  He creates sunshine on an otherwise cloudy day.  With his smile and love of Elton John (which he loves to play for TNL skits) he might be one of my favorite people in the whole world.  Trent's awesomeness is not even fathomable.  I'm still trying to figure it out.  I just want you to know, Trent, that my heart is full of love for you.  Now, I hope you have a great night and a wonderful day tomorrow.  Love You!!!!

At the B

January 27 2006
Here I am at the BSU loving my time well spent there.  Everyone else (besides the wonderful Trent Ashcraft) is playing the game Mafia which I very much refused to play.  I'm not a Mafia player.  Tonight was basically just spent at the BSU.  Went to Melini's with a few of the Playaz and it was fabulous.  I have to say that I really enjoy my time here at the BSU.  This is quality time that I would never have gotten had I been in shows this semester.  I'm loving my free time to spend.  Lauren auditioned for some summer theatre tonight and I don't know how it went.  She hasn't gotten back yet.  Really weird.  Anyway, I'm gonna enjoy the rest of my night and leave you to yours!


January 24 2006
So BLAH is what I feel like!  I mean, I just feel really bored and ready for something awesome to happen.  I'm in TNL tonight but the part isn't anything big so I'm not worried about it.  I love being in TNL.  It makes me feel special.  Woohoo.  Yay for TNL!!!


January 18 2006
Well, first two days of school went pretty good.  I changed around some classes and now I'm pretty happy with my schedule.  My classes don't look TOO hard this semester.  I'm excited to be doing discipleship 101 which will help me prepare for Poland and once again be taking sewing which will teach me how to make purses.  That's fun.  I know Kim can't wait until I make her some purses.  Right Kim????  I picked out some fun blue fabric today to make the purse out of.  We had a fun time at Wal-Mart.  Lauren and I ate dinner with Colby tonight at ADUC.  I think I like eating dinner here better.  Much better.  And I just asked Lauren and she agrees so we will probably make dinner here more often.  That should be D-E-lightful.  Woohoo.  Well, I think I will be going to bed early tonight for the first time in forever.  So I will talk to ya'll later!


January 16 2006
Hey guys, I'm back at Morehead.  Lauren finally got here and we just went grocery shopping and then we ate.  It was fabulous.  We're trying to eat a whole lot better and healthier.  Lauren would like to lose some weight and I would like to just be healthier.  That would be nice.  So we're making a lot of food now.  That's fun.  Although, we did spend a LOT of money at the grocery store.  It was ridiculous.  Anyway, I am glad to be back!


January 09 2006
Hey guys, definitely just finished working and I am exhausted.  Worked 10 hours today on my feet ringing up people who really have no business being in college (nevermind).  I did have a really embaressing (and hilarious) moment moment in the bookstore today.  A guy asked me out.  My face started turning bright red and it was embaressing.  Sylvia was trying so hard not to laugh (she reminds me of my grandmother but that's another story) and it was so hard for her not to do, she had to turn around.  As soon as he left we burst out laughing, poor guy.  Takes a lot of guts to randomly ask a girl out but it's so embaressing for me.  And not only that but he got rejected which was worse.  Once again...poor guy.  I feel bad for him, he tried so hard.  Ummmm, that was about the only exciting thing that has happened to me in a while.  I did eat a lot today and have Taco Bell.  It was delicious.  I am about to go to bed.  That's how exhausted I am.  So, nighty night!


January 04 2006
So work today was uneventful and boring.  Man, I wish I did something fast-paced for work.  I think I'm gonna watch a DVD tomorrow...if I can.  The bookstore was fun.  One of my co-workers got hit on by a creepy guy.  It was hilarious and scary at the same time.  I'm glad it wasn't me though.  I hate stuff like that.  So I finally put too much stuff on my iPod and I had to go and change some stuff.  That was really weird.  I really need to go to bed but I'm waiting to see if Colby will get online before I get to bed.  He hasn't called me or gotten online.  He might have worked till 11 but I don't think so.  He usually works from 2-10 so I hope everything is ok.  You know me, I'm a worrywart.  So here is a more recent photo of me:

I think it's a pretty decent picture of me.  Although I've definitely taken better and worse as you have seen in my pictures (if you've looked at them or Kim's pics).  I am so ready to be home at school. 

Oh, some good news, I received some fundraising money today and I'm excited.  Anyway, I guess I'll get ready for bed.  Nighty night!


January 04 2006
Ditto from yesterday...except I brought food today.  And to update from yesterday, someone brought me pizza so I did not starve which was very fortunate!


January 03 2006
So I'm at work...and really, really bored!  I mean it's ridiculous how bored I am.  I'm glad I finally got the internet but my AIM and MSN keeps going out, so that's really frustrating.  But at least it is something to do.  That's better than not having internet at all.  Although, not no one is on to talk to.  Geez, it just never works correctly does it?  I am famished right now too.  I don't want to leave because then the table is unattended and I don't really want to spend the money to there really isn't an alternative.  I don't know what I'm gonna do.  Actually, I do have princess fruit snacks which will hopefully be delightful.  SO maybe that will curb some of the hunger.  If not, guess I'll just starve till I get to the bookstore and can buy something to eat.  Yum!