Erin Nowak
Relationship Status
In A Relationship
Atherton High School
Morehead State University
theatre, christian music, advertising
Favorite Music
Relient K, Switchfoot, Jeremy Camp, Considering Lily, Michael Buble, Clay Aiken, Kelly Clarkson, Jaci Velasquez, Plus One, True Vibe
Favorite Movies
Runaway Bride, Napoleon Dynamite
Other Websites
February 09 2006
So I'm ready to go to Poland. Training was awesome and I love all the girls that I met and are on my team. Made some new friends: Jared, Amber, Kent, Josh, Levi, KAYLA. It was good times. I loved it. This week has been a little rough for me. I learned that my tags on my car expired on Jan. 31. That's not cool. I also learned that I haven't had a valid form of insurance in my posession since Nov. 5, 2005. That's no good. So I can't drive my car until I get my new license plate that my wonderful Father sent me yesterday. So, I might be bumming rides. I don't know. I need more fabric and I need zippers. I don't know why I've been so bummed and down this week but I have and it's starting to frustrate me. I need to perk up and I don't know how I'm gonna make that happen. I know that I need to work on it because other people are starting to ask me and I'm supposed to be the happy one and I usually am. So I will work on that. That's my homework for this weekend. I will work on it diligently. Lauren's been gone all this week and won't be back til Sunday and I miss her. I miss her a lot. It's soooo lonely in the room by myself. Well, PBS is going to start soon so I will talk to ya'll later.