
February 16 2006
SO tonight I had one of the best nights I've had in a long time!  I ran to Wal-Mart after Players practice with Trent and on the way back we ended up running to fuzzy duck on a whim because I'd had a headache all day and needed a picker-upper.  While there, I remembered Trent talking about swinging at Cave Run and I realized we could swing at the local park.  So we did before PBS and it turned out to be awesome.  We just played and had a good time.  I mean it was like we were 10 or something and it just relieved a lot of stress and put me in a great mood.  I was lovin' it.  So anyway, thanks Trent for an awesome night!  You are a GREAT friend.


February 16 2006
why didnt you invite me?