September 28 2005

"What Every Boy Needs To Know About Being A Man"

September 28 2005
Secondhand Lions came on again today...

Hub's speech:

"Sometimes the things that may or may not be true are the things a man needs to believe in the most. That people are basically good. That honour, courage and virtue mean everything; that power and money...money and power mean nothing. That good always triumphs over evil. And I want you to remember this....that love....true love never dies! Remember that boy...remember that. Doesn't matter if it is true or not, a man should believe in those things, because those are the things worth believing in......got that?"

Hub in the bar to the hoods, on who he is:

I'm Hub McCann. I've fought in two World Wars and countless smaller ones on three continents. I led thousands of men into battle with everything from horses and swords to artillery and tanks. I've seen the headwaters of the Nile, and tribes of natives no white man had ever seen before. I've won and lost a dozen fortunes, killed many men and loved only one woman with a passion a flea like you could never begin to understand. That's who I am. Now, go home, boy!"

Secondhand Lions wasn't saying that the truth didn't matter...I think essentially Hub was just saying: 'all those things that are good, think on those things.' (Phil 4:8).

watch the movie!!!

My Lazy Week

September 26 2005
I'm sorry, Laura, I know this might not make you feel good. But, I completed the graduaton application process today, and found out that my test on Thursday has been moved to next Tuesday. Also, my art class was canceled this morning, and it was canceled last Monday, so we probably won't have a test in there on Friday. Which means I have absolutely nothing to do this week...and it's good. I have a book due next Wednesday, so I'll just read that in my spare time.

That really opens up the week...I guess I'll use it to lift/run/play guitar/etc...woohoo...Oh, I know...I might knock out the third Narnia book. That's a good idea (nice call, Rigby).

I'm so smart.

The Mermaden are completing their weekly domination...I have the greatest fantasy football team ever.

the Heefus

Another Post! I

September 25 2005
So, it's 2:27, and I just drank entirely too much coffee with Taylor and Laura, who comprise fantastic coffee-drinking company, let me tell you. Taylor is in the living room, being a wittle worker bee, grading 380 papers, and I just got done assembling the greatest fantasy football team ever for tomorrow's games (The Mermaden)...coached by the Heefus...

Currently I am reading John Keats...yes, I am a disciple of this great man...and tonight I'm going to share some of his wisdom with you all. This is one of my favorite poems, ever:

"Women, wine, and snuff"
Give me women, wine and snuff
Until I cry out 'hold, enough!'
You may do so sans objection
'Til the day of resurrection;
For bless my beard they aye shall be
My beloved Trinity.

So, naturally, I don't take this literally. But I think it's pretty funny. You should too.

Okay, might go help the Tater with his papers. See you all sometime.

love (that's platonic love), the heefus.


September 24 2005
HEATH EVERETTE CAPPS will graduate in December, and not need wintersession, because total hours, elective hours, history hours overall, history seminar hours, history specific class hours, english minor hours, and transfer hours all meet university requirements.

At least, by my count they do. I'll find out Monday. And if something is amiss, one of my brilliant chemist friends (he shall remain unnamed but is a.k.a. Tater) will be commisioned to build a large bomb...and...well...let's hope that doesn't happen.

So that last bit was a joke.

Anyway, I'm a goner. It's fairly early and I haven't done anything interesting all day, so I'm about to.


I'm tired

September 24 2005
I've been sleeping...but I'm still tired. Why?

Today I ran, cleaned house, ate, and am now filling out a graduation application...I'm so efficient.

My Braves are about to come on...I haven't sported a Braves hat in a while, so I think I have to get one...after all, we are winning the World Series this year...5 games until 14 in a row...haters...stoopid Boston and Yankees fans. WHOA OH OHOHOH...OHHH...OH OHOHOH...

[I'm making the tomahawk motion with my arm as I chant...]

Okay, now I have to go do a grad app. This was fun though.

see y'all.


listening to lately...

September 23 2005
save yourself - senses fail?
interstate love song - stone temple pilots
1979 - smashing pumpkins
last train home - lostprophets
carriage - counting crows
hollywood - los lonely boys
breathe - anna nalick
existentialism on prom night - straylight run
in the sun - joseph arthur
run - collective soul
for the longest time - billy joel
best of you - foo fighters

Good Country

September 22 2005
This Woman And This Man - Clay Walker
My Last Name - Dierks Bentley
I've Still Got A Lot Of Leavin' Left To Do - DB
Friends In Low Places - Garth Brooks
The Dance - Garth Brooks
Life's A Dance - John M. Montgomery
Letters From Home - JMM
Travelin' Soldier - Dixie Chicks
Cowboy Take Me Away - Dixie Chicks
Passionate Kisses - Mary C. Carpenter
She's In Love With The Boy - Trisha Yearwood
Don't Take The Girl - Tim McGraw
Everywhere - Tim McGraw
When You Say Nothing At All - Keith Whitley
She's Got It All - Kenny Chesney
The Good Stuff - Kenny Chesney
18 Wheels And A Dozen Roses - Kathy M.
Billy The Kid - Billy Dean
What Might Have Been - Little Texas
God Blessed Texas - Little Texas
Dixieland Delight - Alabama
Goodbye Says It All - Blackhawk
Main Street - Bob Segar
Against The Wind - Bob Segar
Baby Blue - George Strait
Hey Good Lookin - Hank Sr.
North Dakota - Lyle Lovett
Wild One - Faith Hill
That's What I Love About Sundays - Craig Morgan
It's A Great Day To Be Alive - Travis Tritt

(this is completely random, and some of these songs have no correlation whatsoever).

If Country Music offends you (Laura!), we sincerely apologize for any inconvenience.

Thank You,


ShawnB sickness update

September 21 2005
ShawnB is still in Amory...I got in touch with him earlier today (thru facebook, oddly enough) and he said he'd been on a cold, flat table for about and hour and half this morning, while the docs ran tests on him, specifically his gall bladder today. Anyhoo, all his tests so far are negative for any problems, and he says the docs say they've run every test they can think of...and the verdict is that he got a fairly acute case of food poisoning. But he told me to let everyone know that he's still alive, and that he'll be back. It's good that he's out of the hospital already, he only stayed in for one night and part of the next day. My bro had the same thing once (coupled with dehydration) and was in the hospital for over a week and lost over 20 lbs...so B isn't in that dire a situation. So, he's on the upside, it just may take him a while to make it back.

Laura, Jonseal, Superman...holla at Molly if you get a chance. She's from that good ole Amory stock, hehe.

the heefus

Breaking News II

September 21 2005
I have taken a shower today.

However, afterwards I drifted into a two hour nap...I've had two people tell me recently that I look like crap because I haven't been getting enough sleep, and I'm sure they're right, because I haven't. So I need my beauty sleep.

So, I took a shower, but my hair is kind of nappy.

I feel good after the nap though, so the rest of the day will be devoted to reading for my seminar which is tomorrow, finding some dinner, and watching the season premiere of LOST (awesome). Sounds like a plan to me.

later doods

and doodettes

the heefus

Breaking News

September 21 2005
We now have dual Amory representation on the Phusebox, as Molly has graced us with her presence. Booya.

Also, I haven't had a shower today.

Furthermore, I have all As in Dr. Sullivan-Gonzalez's class, a 96, 92, and 94 respectively. Get off me.

Finally, I'm awesome.

later doods

and doodettes

the heefus


September 20 2005

It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood!

Mr. Rogers was the man. Do y'all know that he was a sniper, and that the reason he always wore sleeves was because he had tattoos all up and down his arms? Yes, it's true. Mr Rogers was a baller.

Gotta go eat now....hongry

the heefus

bom bom bombombom bombombom bombombom

September 19 2005
In case you didn't notice, the bombomboms are the sound of the drums from The Last Of The Mohicans.

Just wanted to say 'my bad' to jonseal and laurabee for not acknowledging your remarks; we haven't had the net at my house for a few days.

Jon, sometimes I wish I was an only kid...hehe

LBR, yay-yuh, he'll be okay. He's just a different sort of cookie. I can't imagine operating the way he does, but he always seems to manage.

Holla at you peeps later, this spacebar on this keyboard in the library is sticking and is really loud and annoying to all. HOLLLAAAAAAAAA

the heefus

My Peeps

September 15 2005
Shawn Brannon told me today that he's so sick he's heading back to Amory to hit up the doctor and they might hospitalize him. I know he's well enough to drive, cause I offered to cart him back (miss class for good reasons!)...he said he's been having stomach issues and vomiting and whatnot, but I don't think it's too serious. Anyhoo, keep him in your thoughts.
My bro called and unloaded a lot of stuff last night...he's making some major life-changing decisions...dunno how the Mom is gonna take it. She's kind of in her own little world anyway (crazy). It feels like I'm the parent sometimes. Makes me not want kids....hehe. Good thing MY SHOULDERS ARE BROAD! BOOYA!
The hours spent talking with the bro were supposed to have been for reading, but oh well. Just have to wing the paper and the discussion tomorrow, and then Friday I'm doing something fun. Don't know what, but it AIN'T gonna involve school. Leave any suggestions in me digital drop box. Peace, peoples.

the heefus

Best Movies Ever (just some of them)

September 15 2005
Last Of The Mohicans
The Two Towers
Legends Of The Fall
The Return Of The King
Finding Neverland
Man On Fire
Love Actually
About A Boy
The Mummy
Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind
Jerry Maguire
The Sandlot
Milo and Otis
Shrek 1 and 2
The Patriot
Hocus Pocus
Bull Durham
The Natural
Pirates Of The Caribbean
Edward Scissorhands
A Knight's Tale
Best Of The Best
The Lion King
Ice Age
Remember The Titans
Star Wars: Episode III
Star Wars: Episode VI
We Were Soldiers
Office Space

Zodiac Stuff (You all know all this is crap, right? Still fun to read though).

September 13 2005
Leo July 23-August 22

Leo is represented by the lion. It is a fire sign ruled by the Sun emphasizing magnetism. Characteristics of Leo energy include optimism, creativity, generosity, pride, overbearing, cruel, pretentious, and boastful.

Heracles (a Greek hero of epic renown) was made to undertake 12 labors as punishment for crimes he committed in his youth. Heracles' First Labor was to quickly find and destroy the Nemean Lion, a monster that had plagued Nemea for some time and was believed impossible to kill. His arrows bounced off, his sword broke, and finally he decided to use brute strength. He wrestled the lion, strangled it and skinned it using its own claws. The spirit of the once-dangerous lion, Leo, was placed in the sky as a thing of beauty.

Leos were born to lead and are most effective when in a position of command. Leos are straightforward, uncomplicated individuals who know what they want and pursue it with enthusiasm and a creative spirit. Leos possess a strong positive nature and don't shrink from adverse circumstances. They are not easily daunted, and will persist through the most formidable circumstances.

Leos are proud people, with an idealistic and humane nature. They are basically outgoing, happy, kind and generous. Self expressive, intelligent and broad minded, they are philosophically inclined. They tend to be stubborn, and will hold onto a belief, or stick to a course of action through thick or thin. They are direct and to the point and lead with their emotions. Because of their positive nature, they tend to expect the best, and when things don't turn out as they had expected, they react immediately and badly. Quick tempered, blunt and nasty when they have been affronted, they are deeply hurt by malice or hostility. Although, they may suffer from short bouts of depression when life doesn't meet their expectations, they bounce back quickly and move on with their normal cheerful and demonstrative nature. Leo walks forward always, head held proudly and face turned towards the sun.

Origins In Mythology
To our ancestors, the qualities of the Lion were associated with rulership and divinity. Wherever this animal was encountered, its characteristics were attributed to gods and goddesses. For many cultures, the symbol of a lion serves as a guardian. Lion figures stand fast against darkness and evil intent in the doorways of palaces, temples, and in the rituals of the Chinese New Year. It is not hard to recognize some of these same attributes in those born under the Sun sign of Leo.

Notable Leos: Jacqueline Kennedy, Napolean Bonaparte, Bill Clinton, Mick Jagger, Amelia Earhart, Arnold Schwarzenegger, King Louis XIV, Heath Capps


The Return of the Heefus from Pascagoula

September 12 2005
So, we made it back safe and sound, and I'm pretty happy with what we did down there. Chris and I were talking late Friday about how we didn't want to waste our time, and I don't think we did. LAURA! USE us again if you need us...we are your workers for hire...sort of like mercenaries, except we don't kill people. We cut sheetrock...and do other manly things...like chew chewing tobacco.
I took my art test this morning and made a high B or low A (I'm always on the cusp, I can't ever just make like a 96 or something. Always has to be 88, 91, 92). Anyway, it's cool. I didn't study for it that long and don't really pay too much attention in class.
Now I'm gonna go take a nap in my bed, and wake up and run some errands. Y'all be good.


Soundtrack by Heefus (it's long. and rough, off the top o' me head).

September 07 2005
Iris - Goo Goo Dolls
Name - Goo Goo Dolls
Semi-Charmed Life - 3EB
Narcolepsy - 3EB
Wounded - 3EB
London - 3EB
Brick - Ben Folds Five
Let Her Cry - Hootie and the Blowfish
Hold My Hand - Hootie and the Blowfish
At The Stars - Better Than Ezra
A Lifetime - Better Than Ezra
Where The Streets Have No Name - U2
The Sweetest Thing - U2
Bloody Sunday - U2
Barely Breathing - Duncan Sheik
How Bizarre - OMC
My Own Prison - Creed
One - Creed
Hanging By A Moment - Lifehouse
Simon - Lifehouse
Everything - Lifehouse
Take Me Away - Lifehouse
Adrienne - The Calling
Peaceful, Easy Feeling - The Eagles
Best Of My Love - The Eagles
Make It With You - Bread
Everything I Own - Bread
Sweet Surrender - Bread
Guitar Man - Bread
Blackbird - The Beatles
Rocky Raccoon - The Beatles
Julia - The Beatles
The Boxer - Simon and Garfunkel
I've Got You Under My Skin - Frank Sinatra
Young At Heart - Frank Sinatra
Nice And Slow - Usher
Let It Burn - Usher
Anytime - Brian McKnight
Solitude - Edwin McCain and Darius Rucker
Who Will Save Your Soul - Jewel
Hands - Jewel
Man On The Side - John Mayer
Tracing - John Mayer
Your Body Is A Wonderland - Mayer
Comfortable - Mayer
Ironic - Alanis Morrisette
Away From The Sun - 3 Doors Down
Sister Golden Hair - America
North Dakota - Lyle Lovett
Vienna - Billy Joel
Honey and the Moon - Joseph Arthur
In The Sun - Joseph Arthur
Hard Candy - Counting Crows
Sullivan Street - Crows
Round Here - Crows
Black and Blue - Crows
Holiday In Spain - Crows
Landslide - Seven Places
Landslide - FWM
Rhiannon - FWM
Found Out About You - Gin Blossoms
Hey Jealousy - Gin Blossoms
Sunny Days - Jars of Clay
Farther Down - Matthew Sweet
Here Am I - Mercy Me
The Lighthouse's Tale - Nickel Creek
When You Come Back Down - N Creek
Sweet Afton - N Creek
Come Away With Me - Norah Jones
The Long Day Is Over - Norah Jones
I Wonder - Blind Melon
Comedown - Bush
Shimmer - Shawn Mullins
Stranded - Plumb
Passenger Seat - Stephen Speaks
Out Of My League - Stephen Speaks
I'm Crazy For This Girl - Evan and Jaron
Fire and Rain - James Taylor
Carolina In My Mind - James Taylor
Sugar - Tonic
Meet Virginia - Train
Fast Car - Tracy Chapman/Vertical Horizon
Walk On The Ocean - Toad The Wet Sprocket
Somewhere In The Middle - Dishwalla
Freshmen - The Verve
Ramblin' Man - Allman Brothers
Melissa - Allman Brothers
Such Great Heights - The Postal Service

Tracing, by John Mayer (I love me some lyrics)

September 07 2005
Do you ever get the feeling that we've started in the middle?
Or have you ever had the sense that we've been lying just a little?
I mean come on
It's not like we've known ourselves that long...
And I can't say I really blame you
For being bored with the beginning
Always staring at the score
To figure out who's barely winning
But don't you know
There is a reason strong moves slow...
And I'm okay
If you're okay, with wasting time
But when you trace
You always see the bottom line
We are tracing, I hope you know
We are tracing
And if you wanna know the moment
I knew that I was still alone
I found I never learned your number
I only stored it in my phone
You'd think by now
I'd know the shape of calling home...
And I'm okay
If you're okay, with wasting time
But when you trace
You always see the bottom line
And we are tracing
I hope you know
We are tracing, we're both alone
We are tracing
We are tracing
Did you ever get the feeling that we started in the middle?
Or have you ever had the sense that we were lying just a little?
I mean come on
It's not like we knew ourselves that long...

The Homefront

September 06 2005
Mi amigo Stanton came by last night and told me they think my brother broke his leg horsing around yesterday, so that's not so good. Tried to called Shaun, but his phone is wigging out and couldn't get through. Hopefully I'll hear from him today sometime. I know it's just a broken leg, but he was supposed to be working a bunch this week, and now won't be able to...plus, all his performing and preaching and stuff; he'd have to suspend all that for a while I guess. Or it will be more difficult at least. I dunno. We'll see.
Better news...I learned to play more Lifehouse yesterday...as well as the theme song from Last of the Mohicans...mwahahaa (evil laugh).
Today I have Psych. class and need to read a book for Thursday; gonna hit up the library before and after--I can't really study at home. Too many distractions...tv, xbox, internet! Oh, and food. And sleep. Anyway. Got to go.
Peace, Love, and Chickengrease. Love, Heath.