Breaking News II

September 21 2005
I have taken a shower today.

However, afterwards I drifted into a two hour nap...I've had two people tell me recently that I look like crap because I haven't been getting enough sleep, and I'm sure they're right, because I haven't. So I need my beauty sleep.

So, I took a shower, but my hair is kind of nappy.

I feel good after the nap though, so the rest of the day will be devoted to reading for my seminar which is tomorrow, finding some dinner, and watching the season premiere of LOST (awesome). Sounds like a plan to me.

later doods

and doodettes

the heefus

Manda Sue

September 21 2005
i bet you do look nappy.. i know you do when you're tired. so, make me some new friends on here... you're the only one i know.