What can I do?

September 15 2008

What can I do if my heart won't let go of you?

What if you told me there's still a chance to make this work?

What if I told you I didn't wanna start over?

But I would've lied.

What if I wanted to move on?

But I know it's impossoble.

What if I'm happy? What if I love him? What if I really want to be with him?

Would you let me? Would you still love me even if I pretended not to love you back?

I can't just give up who I am now and chase who I was?

Can I?

I loved you, I love you. 

When I'm with him I feel like I'm in a whole other world,

But when I'm with you... I'm free.



With all seriousness, I'm faced with a trial.

A really big one. And I'm so confused.


October 13 2008
Hmm... Sounds like this is about someone I know..