Hypotheticly Speaking Ofcourse

June 23 2008

What would you do if guys never saw you as you wanted them to?

Just the girl the come to when they need a break from reality.

When they pretty much use you to get over someone.

But it didn't work so they just stopped talking to you.

Even though all you wanted was a friend.

Hypotheticly speaking ofcourse,

this would never happen to any of you.

Just me. 

Erin:: lub my flower.

June 23 2008
okay. here it is as my best i can give you. no guy has any right to use you, there is no excuse for it, but we all make mistakes, and guys do a lot of that in the area of using , misusing & confusing girls. im sorry that was done to you, and its been done to me too. <br> but i've also been the one to use someone, and i felt better at the time, but in the end i felt like crap. so i think if you tell people that use you , you felt used they would feel pretty bad. & realize what a jerk they were. and if they have apologized , its okay to be upset, but dont stay angry. sorry so long.

&hearts;...blue eyes...&hearts;

June 24 2008
it does happen to a lot of other people. it's happened to me more times than i can possibly count. just don't give them the power to make you upset. because then you are only telling them that they are better than you. if you don't want them to think of you like that, show them you aren't like that! :)

Peggie Russo-Millard

June 26 2008
Very good advice Carmen.