Time For A Long Weekend ....

February 27 2007

As mentioned, I am taking Thursday and Friday off from work.  A long weekend is needed badly, especially after the last few days events at work - which I cannot talk about.  Time for a refreshing, some R&R, some catching up on "home work", etc.

Decy and I continue to sort through the options and issues associated with getting me a tuxedo.  The fundamental concern is that there is just a wide range of prices and qualities available ... and each is hand made; thus, there is a potential for making a mistake. Its not that I need the best quality tux - its just that (a) it must be on time, and (b) it must look neat and professional (not like something I found at the thrift store). I think we are getting there - Decy will probably buy the material today (bless her heart, this issue has been really tough on her).

The school play that Thasya is dancing in is called Flapper (a 1920's theme).  It begins on Thursday and there are two performances each night for 3 nights.  She's wearing down (especially after having to do a band performance last weekend) .... but the end is in sight.  I offered to take the family to Sunday brunch at 4 Seasons - and asked Thasya if she would have enough energy to go.  She quickly responded YES - and we joked that she might just spend all her time at the dessert area eating chocolate - he he he.

Well, I see the stock market took a gut wrenching 3-4% plunge yesterday.  Its not a surprise and long overdue .... you can't climb virtually non-stop for 9 months ... there has to be a pause and a set back / correction from time to time.  Depending on what the market does on Wednesday (US time) I might jump in and buy something "on sale".  The way you make money in the market is to do the opposite of the crowd - but remember, for every buyer there is a seller - and the other person thinks they are smarter than you.

As you can see, not much to write about .... been working on pulling some music together for the mini iPod Decy inherited from Thasya - I'm getting there.

Oh, we're having some handphone challenges right now.  First, when Decy fell last weekend at Hotel Mulia her handphone went flying.  There is no damage to the insides, but some damage to the casing - and it needs to be repaired. And, it appears that Thasya's phone (which was a gift from a friend) is pretty much dead - can't hold a charge and overheats.  So, we are thinking through the options ...

BTW, recall the company's "employee appreciation event" where Decy and I dressed up?  The company put together some photo albums (professionally done "books" where the pics are printed onto the cardboard pages).  Anyway, there are two different books ... and there are many pics of Decy and I throughout both - one is particularly funny as they caught her singing to me while we were dancing - you can tell by the look on her face and the position/shape of her mouth ... plus she is pointing a finger at me as if she is saying "I love you" ... he he he.

Well, time to close ... have some things I have to work on.

ciao ciao