Challenging Times

February 18 2007

I really don't understand why sometimes I can post pics on phusebox while other times it is virtually impossible.  However, I did slip one through today.

Friday night was our typical night at CJs ... not much to talk about there.  However, Saturday night was our company's employee appreciation event.  The theme colors were: red, black, and silver. There were prizes for the best dressed .... there's just something about being overseas that makes life fun and funny .... for those of you who care ... I was selected (out of about 800 folks) as being the "No. 1 Eunuch".  I am pretty certain the folks meant "first place for unique outfit", but it just didn't come out that way.  When announced, the Americans broke out laughing ... I don't think most Indonesians figured out the enunciation issue.


In addition to getting a prize for the outfit (approx $160 coupon at Carrfour [like a super Walmart]), as a door prize / lucky draw we won a 30 gig iPod.

Sunday was a quiet day ... in addition to working over the weekend "in my spare time" .... we watched a couple of movies and played some pool.  I also got this foolish idea about exercising ... and did 64 minutes on the treadmill ... consuming 450 calories ... and running 8.5 kilometers (~5.3 miles) ... my body is still paying for all that running.

As for the weather here, we are getting very heavy downpours each day again ... but usually only 2-3 hours at a time. Nevertheless, this is still causing localized flooding ... including the area where we almost leased a house (Kemang).  The spiritualist say the rainy season ends on Sunday, 18-Feb - we shall see.

Other than the above, not much else to blog about.  So, I will get some work down before leaving for work ... besides it IS already 501am.

Ciao ciao.

Suzanne Morgan

February 19 2007
Uh, do I know you? Looks like some ganster and his moll,,,,,,,,,