Monday Morning, Already ???

January 28 2007

The older I get, the more convinced I am that weekends should be 3 days long instead of two.  Seems I just can't accomplish all the things I want to do on the weekends - - - hmmm, maybe that is what retirement is for.

On Sunday, Decy and I went and got a massage then ate Nasi Padang.  I (unfortunately) did some work and Decy took the girls to Pondok Indah mall to get some stuff.  Later, a good friend of mine Nat came over and visited.

Nat use to be an expat here in Indonesia, went back to the US, worked on a bunch of Angola stuff, and now will soon relocate back to Indonesia.  Its a "small world" in my business.

When I woke up Sunday morning, I noticed I had a big golf-ball sized bruise on my right hand (round in shape).  I figured I had gotten it from the mini-massage by Mimi the night before .... but maybe from the hash.  All during the day, I watched the bruise - it has lightened a bit, with the center turning a little lighter (but not white) ... there was/is just a bit of soreness.

Mimi was out all day (her day off), so we didn't see her until evening.  In talking to her (I was teasing her about brusing me) she advised that I had it on my hand when I came home from the hash.  The only thing I can figure out is I must have gotten poked by a sticker bush.  Of course, that would have been pretty easy when you are running through the jungles not on a trail .... I also have a thousand grass cuts on my leg ... actually not a thousand ... but it feels like it.

Time to close - need to work on some financial stuff.

Ciao ciao