The Cycle That Never Ends

January 07 2007

Did you know that in some countries a calendar shows Monday being the first day of the week?  And, in some countries the weeks are shown in columns rather than rows, did you know that?  What does that have to do with my blog?  Well, actually not a whole lot other than the fact that today is already Monday ... and it seems that Monday ALWAYS follows Sunday ... just can't seem to get away from this vicious cycle.

The weekend went pretty much as planned.  Friday night, Decy and I went out to Club CJs.  They will be changing the band out at the end of January.  That is good, as much as I like the band, something new (if they are good) will be refreshing.

Saturday morning went for my 2 hour massage.  Thasya went to be with a friend for the day ... and later that day Chely met up with some friends, who ended up staying the night.  After the massage, there was the normal Nasi Padang at Sederhana and then off to Johnny Andrean to get a detox, cream bath / head massage, and hair cut.  By then it was 5pm, so we skipped going to the dept store named Sogo where I could use my ~$220 gift certificate.

Saturday night was quiet ... and I succeeded in getting Decy to watch "Fellowship of the Rings" (extended version).  She liked it !!! Sunday morning I worked from home (after taking a business call at 8am) and Decy/Thasya went to church .... about 2pm we turned on "Two Towers" ... and at 6pm continued with "Return of the King" .... all extended version ... So much for getting a good nights sleep. oh well.

Have much to do today, including attending a key Sr. Manager meeting at 730am.  Today is the first (theoretically) normal week of the year, many folks will be returning ... who knows what challenges the new year will bring.  I do know, that at least for today ... I have two presentations to finish writing.  Almost finished both yesterday (Sunday) but was interrupted by wanting to spend Sunday afternoon with Decy and the girls.

ciao ciao

Suzanne Morgan

January 07 2007
And then there are people that almost insist on a email.