NTR ....

August 01 2006

NTR (Nothing to Report) ..... don't have much to say about me, other than sama-sama (same old, same old) work routine .... just want it over.

Decy and the girls are at JIS (Jakarta International School) today.  They are meeting the teachers, checking out campus, and completing their entrance exams.  I hear that the AIS (Australian International School) exams were delayed until Friday ... which means it will be this weekend or Monday before we finalize the decision on which school the girls should attend.  Per Che's blog (and my conversation with her yesterday) she is pretty upbeat about AIS .... and so it Thasya.

Today's hump day, but that doesn't mean much ... thank goodness there is a hash this weekend.  I am going to hare (set the trail) and we are going to run along the beach (good hard run in the sand, he he he).  This will be a nice diversion .... at least for 1 day.  The other day I will work on relocation paperwork and do another sweep through the house in pre-packing preparations.

Wish I had more to write, but that is it at this time ... just call me Hooper Sr.

ciao ciao