A Dining Experience

July 21 2006

As my family knows, there are certain things that can set me off very easily - one of them is "bill paying" at a restaurant.  When I ask for the bill, that means I am done and ready to go.  If there are "delays" in the close-out / payment process my blood pressure starts rising.

On Thursday we had a meeting of the management committee of the hash ... at one of our favorite restaurants in Angola.  Usually, there aren't too many issues.  Last night we asked for the bill.  When it arrived (10 minutes later), there were two bills ... which is not uncommon as folks arrived at different times.  As I was trying to read the bills (in the darkness; outdoor restaurant with no lighting) the waitress grabs them out of my hand and proceeds to explain in rapid portuguese why there are two bills ... and she goes on and on and on ... I'm not stupid, I already knew why there were two bills.

We put our money in the cup ... and after 5 minutes it was finally collected.  Then we waited for the change (paid $150 for a $130 meal - change due $20) ... and waited ... and waited ... and waited.  We asked about the change ... no answer.  We asked again about the change ... no answer.  Decy went up and asked about the change ... no answer.  Decy and I demanded the change. Finally, they gave us back $10.

I can only presume that they were hoping we would leave ...and they would keep all $20 as a tip ... which is the equivalent to $100 or more in the US based on cost of living.

Total time - 40 minutes.  I was fuming.  But, I controlled my anger and frustration ... and didn't take it home with me.

>>> Decy, thanks for helping me learn step-by-step to handle my anger.

ciao ciao