Whoa is Me ..

July 04 2006

After the Expat Center having received my relocation authorization (remember ~25 May) they just yesterday sent me the official paperwork .... not bad ... 7 weeks (given that most relocations happen in 8-10 weeks time; start to finish).  NOT !!!!  Only recieved about 100 pages of documentation.  Can you say:  STRESS ????

To top off the above, yesterday at the US Embassy reception, I saw the ISOS Dr that has been helping us work thru the medical part. I told him that we trying to get wrap up appointments .... he advised that there is still one more set of examinations before we can close out the process.  URRRGGGGHHH.  Why didn't my medical folks tell me this, and already pre-arrange the appointments?  Can't anybody think more than one step at a time ????

Today, I will do a full court press on this penultimate set of appointments (ultimate being the close out).  It must get done this week ... we are running out of time .... UUUURRRRGGGGHHH !!!!