Hurry Hurry Wait

June 19 2006

Relocation .... take 2 .... we are now into the "hurry hurry" mode.  After being treated like a mushroom, there is now a flood of information, inquiries, requests, and other asundry things associated with the move to Indonesia.

Most important thing, is that I now must rush to put everything in place for Decy and the girls to leave on 29-July.  I "think" I received approval for that yesterday.  Now, on to reservations, VISAs, packing (2 suitcases, 1 carry-on, one 104 lb special box) ... each per person.

At the same time, we must complete the shutting down of this house and inventorying/valuing everything in the house (so how many rolls of toilet paper do we have now? and how many do we think we will have the day the packers come?) ... and arranging for the packers to come ... as well addressing the handling of certain things I have in storage in Houston.  However, the packers won't come until the end of August ... but all arrangements and inventorying have to be done before Decy leaves.

If the above isn't enough, I must also arrange for physical examinations for all of us ... guess that will be Monday or Tuesday after school lets out this Friday.  This should be fun ... in Angola.  I understand we will have to go to the local International SOS facility.

... oh, did I tell you I am still hashing ... and trying to do my daytime job.  uuuurrrrgggghhh ... this is enough to drive a man insane .... oops, already there.

ciao ciao