Time to Move Forward ....

May 23 2006

Vacation step-1 is now complete.  Paul is graduated ... time to fly back to Florida to complete some dental work (step-2).  Step-3 (white water rafting) is just around the corner.

This trip to Tennessee has been extremely enlightening and fulfilling.  This trip, I was able to see the spouse and "close female friends" of all three sons (ahem, for the avoidance of doubt each son had only one "significant other).  It is amazing to watch the boys (now men) grow and develop.  It is interesting to see the woman they are bonding with ... all of them very nice, very strong, very confident .... all very different.

I have good sons, every one of them.  I am so proud of them.  They have shown and proven that children from a divorce don't have to be plagued with emotional problems and aren't doomed to failure.  These guys are strong, confident, intelligent, and have a plan for their life ... they are all excelling ...  they are NOT a "statistic" ...

I can't really say it is anything I have particularly done.  I've been pretty much an absent father, and in particular the last 10 years I have been overseas.  However, I have tried to help raise my sons when I can / where I can, to give them guidance, support, and love whenever I could.  But, I think the "honor" goes to their mother ... Jeana ... I "tip my hat" to you and say .... job well done.

.... guess its time to head to the airport ... for Step-2 ... but in my heart, my focus is Step-3 as once again all four of "us guys" will be given yet one more opportunity to bond ... and I thank God for each and every opportunity .... not every father has such.

Ciao ciao.

Marybeth Jensen

May 23 2006
When I first read your comment, the part where you said that I was a great server, the first thought that came to my mind was a computer server, and i couldn't figure out what you were talking about. And then I realized I served your table at the banquet and it all made sense. Haha. And I'm sorry, by the way, Mr. Morgan, I cannot call you Bill. Mabye Mr. Bill instead of Mr. Morgan, but not just Bill. It doesn't work for me. Have a safe trip and a fun time with your boys. ttyl