The Morning After

May 01 2006

Ah, jetlag, such a wonderful thing.  No other time am I allowed to fall asleep at my desk at work and get away with it.  No other time can I wake up at 1am and feel "refreshed".

Today is Day 2 of my jetlag, if you consider my day of arrival as Day 1.  Actually, it shouldn't be too bad as there is only a 6 hour difference between Houston and Angola.  However, I dropping last night at 4pm ... but held on until 8am.  Wide awake a midnight, 130am, 300am.  Got up at 3am.

Watch this space .... by noon I'll be a split personality: winkin, blinkin, and nod.  In the meantime, its 430am ... so I better get some work done while I can.

Oh yeah, usually your body adjusts its body-clock about 2 hours a day ... so I should be in good shape by Wednesday or Thurday ... just in time to get on the plane Friday morning and head back to Angola !!

The Capn

May 01 2006
yeah, so that post was pretty much unreadable... maybe what you said made sense in your mind... anyway, i'm glad you're... kinda awake. see you later!

Bill Morgan

May 02 2006
.... yep, jetlag ... it makes your typing incomprehensible