Do They Know What a Defroster is For ?

April 24 2006

Driving in Angola is a challenge. So much so, we aren't allowed to.  To get around there is a "pooled car" concept where we call for a "kilo" and a driver picks us up and takes us where we want to go.  This has positives and negatives. For example, I can sleep in the car (when it takes 3 hours to go 6 miles).  Or, I don't have to worry about a DWI .... BUT, there is a downside ... drivers not knowing where to go ... and not being able to speak English and drivers and kilos not being available when you need them, yadi yadi yadi.

One thing these guys don't understand is how to defog a window.  Hey, let's face it, how often do you hit a dewpoint when the temperature never goes below 68?  But, once in while when its really rainy/humid, or somebody's turned on too much A/C ... you get foggy windows.  So, what do you do?  You drive until you can't see anymore, then stop the vehicle, look for a rag and clean the windshield ...

So, this morning, the driver decides before he picks me up to turn the A/C on full blast ... 15 degrees C ... right on the windshield.  I get in the kilo ... pure fog everywhere.  So (having been in this spot before), I turned the defroster on ... and increased the temperature.  We drove for a few minutes ... the driver reached over ... turned off the front defroster (windshield was still foggy) and turned it on to the back window.  BOY, THAT REALLY HELPED HIM DRIVE !!!!  I closed my eyes and went back to sleep ..... being thankful that I actually taught somebody something today ...