Be a Bean

April 23 2006

Last night before the party, I saw that Decy was soaking some beans.  I remembered an experience from a few years ago before we were married.  I tried cooking beans ... washed them, then cooked them, and cooked them, and cooked them for 3 solid days before they were soft (forget dinner that night).  I quickly decided "that sucked". So next time, I soaked the beans a few hours, then I cooked them.  PERFECT ... I had supper.

So, last night, I asked Decy "why is it that cooking a bean doesn't work but soaking them does".  In Decy's not so perfect English she answers a question I didn't ask. She says:  You're just like a bean.  Huh?  She says:  You're just like a bean.  Huh?  I don't get it ... we are talking about beans, not me.

Decy, in her patience, says, Darling - you are a hard man and whenever somebody presses you, you close down and fight back.  But, when people take time with you, talk to you, get to know you, then you open up.  You are just like a bean .... so, with the bean, soaking it relaxes it ...opens it up.  Then, the full benefit and the flavor of the bean can come out.

Amazing little story.  Decy can teach me many things ... if only I listen.  Maybe we should all listen just a little bit more .... so that the goodness in people and the world can be realized.


April 23 2006
hahahhahah...........=D tha' BEAN!!

Josh Morgan

April 23 2006
Wait, wait... I was distracted. Now, what did you say again? Something about listening? :)

x x

April 23 2006
Da bean story can change a part of u! And I will not forget this story!! hehe... I Luv this story, mayb mom should make a kids' story book about tha bean!! hehehe....