Paint It Black.

September 09 2005
Again, things have gone to hell quicker than you can say it.

When we're together it's usually pretty good.

But when on the phone, we fight about alot of stuff.

I cry alot and usually I don't know why.

Sometimes it's school, other it's me or him.

I'm just so stressed sometimes and I wish he'd understand that.

He says just forget it and don't worry about it.

But it always comes back to haunt us.

I really don't mean to over react about some things. Others I just let everything go and I cry and cry.

I'm trying to be a better girlfriend but I feel like a failure.

I'm afraid to lose him, that's the biggest fear.

As long as I have him with me, I'll be happy.

Whether I show it or not.


September 10 2005
i love you