what needs to be said

August 03 2006
things that are needed to be said and done

the government cannot be trusted anymore
 this amazing nation is on a downward spiral to destruction

islam is a religion that is going to be the cause of ww3
its a violent religion and their goal of destroying all christians and jews will play major into it

its going to be illegal to be christian in america one day

political correctness is taking over and it must be stopped

the media is not providing the right information and is only giving information on what will make the money

this is my prediction of what is going to happen in the next 20 or 30 years


August 03 2006
Why will it be illegal to be a christian?

Garrett Haynes

August 03 2006
i can't say i agree with the illegal being a christian part. This country was founded on freedom of religion. The whole congress, house, and senate would have to comepletely re-write the constitution (or at least change the part where it talks about freedom of religion) and it would have to be under one single influence to do so. Likely? I think not.