total nostalgia even if i didnt grow up in the 80's

June 15 2006
so yea i was watching tv and then i heard the breakfast club theme song or "dont you forget about me" and i was like......... totaly time for some amazing movies
so i am watching the breakfast club right now and its soooooo gooood.


June 15 2006
you know ive never seen that movie? but my dad said we would watch it when we get to texas. so yeah. i know i live under a movie rock.

bryan Rodriguez

June 15 2006
erin when u and milly get back u are totaly get movie 101 from me mmmk

Sarah Vermillion

June 16 2006
You work at Baskin Robins? Don't you have to be 18 to work there?


June 18 2006 dont work at baskin robbins. do you? i thought you were gonna work at your restaurant. have you been lying to me?

bryan Rodriguez

June 18 2006
i want to work at baskin robins