Ben Moser


Relationship Status


.::listen to your heart::.

February 26 2006

That’s how everything begins.  A glance, a touch that sparks emotion.  It sends the signal to your brain that is electric.  And then your brain sends a signal to your heart that makes you feel warm and fuzzy.  It starts out so small, but it can develop into so much more…

The sustained eye contact that sends messages back and forth.  It makes those dusty butterflies in your stomach shake of their wings and flutter.  The lump in your throat rises.  The red in your cheeks shows off is rosy hue.  Your legs weaken, you don’t know what to do with your hands, and suddenly you care about how you look.  

The accidental touch that sends chills up your spine.  It makes you stop and indulge.  Makes you turn and think, “Did…did that…did that really happen—to me?  Wow.”  Savor every memory.  You look over at them and everything else disappears.  The hairs on the back of your neck stand upright.  

The look, the feel that everything’s alright.

It grows on you.  The comfort you feel when you’re around them.  Knowing you’ll always have someone to hold you tight, to make you feel complete.  Someone you can talk to for hours or sit with in silence forever.  The dependence begins.

Mutual habits begin to form, things are understood.  You feel secure in anything—with them.  When you are without the other, you aren’t the only one that notices.  You delight yourself in the knowledge that when they are gone, you’ll get to see them soon.  You talk until the early morning about anything and everything.  You begin to learn love.

And then they are gone.

The problem is that the feeling that you felt and came so naturally isn’t.

And you know that whenever that one person talks to you, those same butterflies dust off their wings once again and make you weak.  Even though you know you shouldn’t, you give them trust as if nothing had happened, and you hope that tomorrow is better than today.

My butterflies were dusted off this weekend.


Garrett Haynes

February 26 2006
you really have a talent for writing. Have u considered a journalism major? just wonderin.

beth cooper

February 26 2006
wow, i know exactly what you mean. that is all so very true!


February 26 2006
Interesting read :)

Jessica Dennis

February 26 2006
aww wow, that's awesome!! you put everything i felt here about 30 minutes ago into words again lol thanks!!

Jessica Dennis

February 26 2006
really? what for?

Jessica Dennis

February 26 2006
ooh yeah i noticed friday - esp. durin lunches


February 26 2006
thanks u really need to see our video it was like totally amazing!! <3


February 26 2006
thats awesome ben. i agree... you have a talent! thanks for sharing that! see you wednesday.

Jessica Dennis

February 26 2006
umm i'm into just web design period. i'm workin on revamping lavergne high's entire website....i have made their hockey team's site. i rock at dreamweaver and fireworks and that's how i make a bunch of stuff. why? you into it, too?


February 26 2006
thank you for the picture comment. It was sweet.

Anna Miller

February 26 2006
you really blow me away sometimes


February 26 2006
ooo...definitely good...and yeah u blow me away sometimes too...have an awesome week lil bro!


February 26 2006
yeah i know what ya mean

Garrett Haynes

February 26 2006
Yeah that's cool. I just noticed the way you write your blogs is more sophisticated and unique than other peoples. I'm thinkin about goin into journalism myself, but idk its whatever God calls me to do. But keep in mind u have a talent. ~Garrett

Jessica Dennis

February 26 2006
lol yeah it's cool, i love it!! you can check out what i did if you want. the only thing up right now is the hockey site: it's my hoobbby lol i used to have more up but i don't have the programs on my laptop now so yeah...they cost too much!!


February 27 2006
that was awesome, this morning was going to suck and now i read that and well its not going to suck, thanks

Carla Simpson

February 27 2006
wow ben, i agree - you really do have a talent for writing! that was beautiful!


February 27 2006
that was really some great writing. you definetely captured the "crushing" emotion :]

Ryan Conley

February 27 2006
Well put, very well put.

Andrea Leigh

February 27 2006
That was an amazing really have a knack for writing. Thank you so much for my comment. I hope that you feel better and that everything is ok. Have a wonderful day! Andrea

Jessica Jo

February 27 2006
You couldn't have put it any better....

Chelsea Turner

February 27 2006
well what i mean is that i feel God telling me to go somewhere(as in churches) thats not my own...but its really hard because not alot of people are supporting me in this...especially the ones i thought thats what i was talking about.

Rachael Vance

February 27 2006
that was completely beautiful! u really are talented. i hope that u are doing very well...see u soon!


February 27 2006


February 27 2006
hmmm i like that one:)

Jimmy Dillon

February 27 2006
As someone else said, you do seem to have a knack for writing. My day is better for having read this post, thank you.

Brittany Nichols

February 28 2006
wow ben, i didn't know you could write so well! hmmm, i wonder who it is.......

kelsey shearron

February 28 2006
that has to be the absolute gayest thing i have read in a long time!

the brian king kenobi

February 28 2006
lol, kelsey shearron . . .

Ben Moser

February 28 2006
and that's why you're going to become a nun...

Britt Rogers

February 28 2006
ha yes...i am the soccer player. tell that kid sorry i steal his seat everyday.

&hearts;somewhere in the memories.&hearts;

March 02 2006
so i don't know you. but i just read this. and it made me wanna cry. <3


March 02 2006
yes.... u cought.... i do have a LARGE glass cabnet filled w/ bongs right in the middle of my bathroom... dand just had to tell my secret .... LMAO!!! ~tRISH


March 05 2006
are u really ben, that is freaking amazing, well ur uber cool as well too, i guess. lol jk, u know ur my brother, and a cool one at that.