New York City, center of the universe...

June 09 2005
So, I'm hanging out in Nathan's apartment in NYC. It is amazing, especially compared to other apartments I have been to while here. Nathan is getting used to being here, which is nice to see. I am enjoying getting to spend time with him by myself, and in NY! Tonight we are going out to eat with the Leadership Journey people. Fun fun. Hope everything is going well at home!

Rachael Moore

June 09 2005
bethany, thank you so much for praying for me! i am so thankful that God has placed you in my life! i am glad that you guys are having fun! i miss both of you!


June 09 2005
it's storming here...sad


June 09 2005
it is going well and i miss you both! cant wait to see you again! _kt

elizabeth duncan

June 09 2005
times are....but i'm pretty sure they could get worse. it's a comfort to know, when you're singing the 'hit the road' blues.... you know the rest.

elizabeth duncan

June 09 2005
oh, and P.S. I miss you.


June 14 2005
Please.. for the love of God, will you call off the Clan O' Christ and leave me alone? I don't get why you complete strangers have to come to my site just to boast about your own beliefs. In all honesty, I don't care what any of you believe.. however, I will protect what I believe with every attack on my person. Now I respect what you believe, but I also really don't care, so please dear god leave me the hell alone. And my group is about love and acceptance and tolerance. Its me asking God to protect me from the mindless army of drones who take God's name and use it for hatred.. because they scare the crap out of me with their ignorance. Obviously God didn't listen because he's sent a group of highly annoying people to harass me while they try and reaffirm their own faith. Dear god, someone else believes something different than me? I HAVE to tell him exactly what I believe! That sort of thinking is Silly AND annoying. I don't come to your site and berade you with what I believe in just because I see you are a Christian. I respect what you believe too much to do that. So leave me alone and let me believe that if there is a God, he is loving, accepting, tolerant, and doesn't hate homosexuality.. because homosexuality is just love in a different form. Sin is created by man. That's my opinion, and to me thats truth. You can't change that, so do me a favour and please don't enter my site again with plans of saying anything to me about religion.. unless of course your faith is so damn weak that you have to comment me again explaing the entire diagram of your faith, as to reaffirm your own weakness.


June 15 2005
I never attacked Christians or Christianity. Most of my friends are Christians, and I have no problem with that.. Christianity is a wonderful religion that inspires many to do good. My group never put down Christians.. it puts down anyone in any religion who warps that religion into beliefs that spawn hatred. I'm sorry if anyone thought they were being attacked because I asked for protection from people who use the name of God to inspire sexism, racism, bigotry, and hatred. My bad. Note I am being sarcastic.. also note that my name is neither Matthew or Nathan, its Daniel.. lol :P but anyway, getting off topic. I always have had respect for every religion, and I never told anyone that they were wrong. I opened my group to be a place for open minded people, even the religious, to come and believe in God and be inspired by God as I believe he meant to inspire.. with love, acceptance, and tolerance.. all around. But what did I get from it? A bunch of people attacking me. I attacked no one, and yet a bunch of Christians had to jump me because I posed some quasi threat to their faith? If your faith is truly strong, then you wont care what I believe. But due to a open minded very timid Group, I get attacked. Excuse me, but I have every right to be getting frustrated. At first I simply argued my opinion, but now it has gotten stupid. So yes, sorry that I am not getting harsh, but I am becoming angry with all of you. Stop being so damn weak in your faith that you have to come to a stranger and tell him what you think is right, because this is one stranger who doesn't care. I was NEVER hostile towards Christians, and I never will be.. However you are all being hostile towards me, and from here on out, I will be hostile to each and every one of yo in return. Thats not hostility towards Christians, thats hostility towards the individuals who have to come to my site and harass me. I asked god from Protection.. now tell me why the hell he didnt listen. Christs sakes, I'm done with this bullshit.

Bethany Bratcher

June 15 2005
As I said before, you are free to believe whatever you want. By starting a groups titled, "God, please save me from your followers" you are in your own way saying, "Someone else believes something different than me? I HAVE to them them exactly what I believe!" And yes, that is silly and annoying. I do not need to reaffirm my own weakness as you say. I know exactly what I believe. I know that I am a sinner. I know that I have asked God to forgive me of my sins and that He has. I know that I try my best to live my life for God and that I make it a priority to read my Bible daily because I believe that what it says is true. Most importantly, I know without a shadow of a doubt that I will spend eternity in heaven with my God. I know that God loves me, just as He loves you. My life is so much better (not than your life, but than the life I had before I accepted Jesus)because I have a relationship with the one who created me and loves me most. We were not coming to your "site" to boast about our beliefs, we were just defending ours, which you attacked. I understand your frustration with people who hate others because of race, sexual preference, religion, etc. And I agree it is wrong to hate others. But as Katie said, you can love someone, but hate their sin, which is what Jesus did and what we are doing. I will respect your wishes and not come to your page to talk about religion as long as you respect mine and not bash Christians for their beliefs.

Bethany Bratcher

June 15 2005
I just read your second remark, which you must have posted while I was writing mine. I know that your name is not Matthew, I made the mistake by looking at your user name. When I said "Nathan", I was talking to your friend who told me to shut up in a rude manner. I do not think I, or anyone else, has been hostile to you. I have said more than once that I respect your beliefs and that you are free to believe what you want. If you weren't attacking Christains, that is great. It just appreaded that way from the description, but I guess it can be seen two ways. As far as why God didn't listen, maybe he is trying to tell you something....

Bethany Bratcher

June 15 2005
You said in your post on your page, "Please tell me how that group attacks Christians as a whole. It is just against those who are against Christ's word." (Probably not word for word because I couldn't cut and paste) To that, I say that being pro-homosexuality, or pro- fill in any other sin mentioned in the Bible here, is against Christ's word, at least to us because we believe the Bible to be true. But, I want to say that I think I understand your intentions of starting the group were not to bash Christians. It just sounded that way. So, the frustration has come from a misunderstanding. We believe different things about God, Jesus, and a lot of other things, but it seems we will have to agree to disagree and move on. I am going to bed now.

Bethany Bratcher

June 15 2005
You said in your post on your page, "Please tell me how that group attacks Christians as a whole. It is just against those who are against Christ's word." (Probably not word for word because I couldn't cut and paste) To that, I say that being pro-homosexuality, or pro- fill in any other sin mentioned in the Bible here, is against Christ's word, at least to us because we believe the Bible to be true. But, I want to say that I think I understand your intentions of starting the group were not to bash Christians. It just sounded that way. So, the frustration has come from a misunderstanding. We believe different things about God, Jesus, and a lot of other things, but it seems we will have to agree to disagree and move on. I am going to bed now.


June 15 2005
I definately respect more after reading your last remark.. it seems you are not so prideful as I thought, as you are ok with accepting that all this was born on misunderstanding.. I never meant to bash any Christians, and I do apologize to anyone who thought it was to be that way.. and I also apologize to you for receiving the brunt of my frustration.. I am simply tired of being attacked by so many when I feel I did nothing but try and make a group about tolerance. I'm coming down off my anger, so I'm feeling sort of bad about what I said to you personally.. I don't take being attacked very well. Anyway, I'm sorry for my frustration, but I will not accept people attacking me, and explaining to me their faith because i made a group that attacked no religion in particular.. at least not on purpous. I love all religions, I just hate seeing good ideas be twisted by bad people. I respect your ideas of of agreeing to disagree and moving on. Thanks for the debate, its been fun ;)

Bethany Bratcher

June 15 2005
I appreciate you comment and I am sorry you felt attacked-that was not my intention. I do believe there was a misunderstanding as to what your group was about, which is why Katie responded the way she did, which set the ball rolling. Although I don't completely agree with everything you believe, I respect your beliefs and appreciate you for doing the same for me. I too have enjoyed the debate-which is why I am still awake at 2:50 in the morning when I have to wake up at 6:30! I am really going to bed now!!!

Bethany Bratcher

June 15 2005
I appreciate you comment and I am sorry you felt attacked-that was not my intention. I do believe there was a misunderstanding as to what your group was about, which is why Katie responded the way she did, which set the ball rolling. Although I don't completely agree with everything you believe, I respect your beliefs and appreciate you for doing the same for me. I too have enjoyed the debate-which is why I am still awake at 2:50 in the morning when I have to wake up at 6:30! I am really going to bed now!!!

Bethany Bratcher

June 15 2005
I don't know why these are posted twice!


June 15 2005
i love you...

kelsey shearron

June 17 2005
sounds like youre having a good time..send me those pics of me and my dad

Rachael Moore

June 18 2005
well, b/c nathan went to the show, he insisted that i watch it. yep yep. i hope that you are doing well! see you later!