
August 26 2007
I could not get any sleep at all last night I just kept sitting up and thinking. It was like this one thought would not escape my head...

Kaelynn Malugin

August 26 2007
AWWE, I'm sorry! I know how that feels. -_-

Erin:: lub my flower.

August 26 2007
if it makes you feel any better , i couldnt sleep either! :) ( now i look like a zombie)


August 26 2007
sorry, that happens to me ALL the time, it does not make me smile

JTucker Millard

August 26 2007
Wow! I had the hardest time fallin asleep last night too!

Tyler Lowery

August 26 2007
that kinda sucks sorry i slept pretty well . . . at least i thought but i woke up and my parents told me i was sleep walking so yeah

kriasn gomez

September 13 2007
that's really cool! I saw this in the fistime in <a href