My Head

December 04 2006

So yesterday I had to go to the ER. We thought that I had a concucion. Well 1 hour later and 4 staples in my head we know that I don' t have one. We also know that my head is extremly hard (judging from the dent in the wall and metal peice) I don't know if I am strong or just really really dumb.

Sorry no Pics at this time  


December 04 2006
if you ever do anything like this again. i'm gonna dent your head.


December 05 2006
what did you do??


December 08 2006
he made a mess and had pants that were too long

Cant wait to see her..!!

December 12 2006
yeah you just really dumb j/k oh it was jurstan who ruined the movies...

Cant wait to see her..!!

December 12 2006
sorry kurstan