
August 27 2006
WAS AWESOME! especially the mosh pit. It wasn't an all out fist swinging mosh but it was some deffinite major body impact... it was great. Breaking Benjamin and Three Days Grace are awesome bands

Randy Rodden

August 27 2006
I wish that I could've been there man!


August 28 2006
why does everyone have to have the picture of you water skiing

Jessica Jo

August 30 2006
Hey now. Flip flops are real shoes thank you. :-P :0) I just shouldn't have stepped on them.....and broke them.... Have a good day tomorrow. Get plenty of rest!


September 03 2006
i used to like moshpits ...and now...i get really nervous and start hyperventilating (sp?)


September 03 2006
ugh im suck a geek..