
November 15 2005

Psychiatrist? That would be a fun job...

Detective? Now thats just too much Law & Order <3


November 16 2005
i like law &order. in fact i watched it till 11pm last night. yay. but those two jobs would be fun.


November 16 2005
do i have a soccer shirt with the team name mispelled...? hmm. i don't think i'd notice it being mispelled. but i do have soccer shirts. lol, why do you ask?


November 16 2005
my name isn't really haylo it's just a nickname but everybody calls me it. i like it lol. anyways, uhm. what's your name? i don't think i ever got that...


November 16 2005
you make me giggle... Oh behave my dear. haha...i'm hanging out with the loverly ellen...yeah...that's right, ELLENNNNN!! haha. [p.s. and Chelsey...she's just love her dearly] You could come, but no...haha You live so close to meeeee! and yet i never see you...this is too long of a comment.

Chelsey Montgomery

November 16 2005
i like the law & order song. duhn duhn DUHN. haha ohh boy sarah just makes me feel oh so special. hmm. well have a good night dear. <3