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"Kill the babies, not the homeless."

August 25 2007

That is the tongue-in-cheek motto for the University Democrats at Lee. We came up with it because we are very tired of people assuming we are all baby-killers.


Anyway, I worked the UDems booth for this big display of all the clubs at Lee yesterday. I handed out propaganda (yes, I called it that) and tried to convince people to come if they are open-minded or in the middle, basically anyone who is not a hardcore Republican. We call ourselves the University Non-Republicans. It is more true.

The Republicans' table was right next to ours, and the girl running it was a friend who is actually a Moderate. We get along well.

So many students gave me a weird look. Some picked up the propaganda sheet and laughed at it and me. I got some evil stares from those Bible-thumping you-can't-be-a-Democrat-and-be-a-Christian kids who only know about politics from their parents and who don't think for themselves. They would look at me like I was a prostitute and ask where the Republican table was. I tried to be accepting of them because I was representing the club and all Non-Republicans, but I wanted to yell at them. I wanted to sit them down and explain why they were being stupid and mean. They have no idea what is going on the political world, they just know "Death to Hilary!" Do they not get it? I wanted to scream at them, "Fine, you won't come to my table? I think I'll just go PUNCH A BABY!"


I'm not mad anymore... Just disappointed in my fellow man, not to mention my fellow Christians. 

Erin:: lub my flower.

August 25 2007
wow! thats a lot to take in .... so i am assuming your a democrat , i dont know much about democrats , but i do know that if hilary wins president it will be amazing for the united states , but i dont think many world leaders will listen or respect her , and we need respect ! plus men ARE supposed to be the leaders , not women ,but i dont believe its wrong for her to run . <br>umm... also dont democrats believe in & support abortion ! that is something i could never support! there are some exception like if someone got raped they should have that choice & to me i wouldnt have an abortion if for that!people who want an abortion for choices they made & consequences for their actions shouldnt have that choice..... ITS MURDER! thats why most christians dont support democrats! -:) erin elizabeth feel free to throw something back at me ..... i want to hear your point of view

JTucker Millard

August 25 2007
Abortion is humans takin the place of God. God is the only one who should initiate life (I believe clonin is wrong) and He is the only one should end. He planned it out. He's God. We're not. -Jarred

Jamie Crabtree

August 25 2007
I'm against abortion except in the case of rape or incest and even then I'm not too happy about it. I don't care what that makes me, I call myself a Moderate. Democrats and Republicans each have something I support and in all honesty I think the Democrats run things better. I'm sorry there are people out there that are so close-minded they can't accept that there are other ways to looking at things. And it really does bite that we humans as a collective group are just a bunch of big dumbs.

The Capn

August 25 2007
don't you love those commenters? he he

Kaelynn Malugin

August 26 2007
Wow, just as long as you don't support all this. Your cool in this book!

Bill Morgan

August 26 2007
Interesting misconception that Christian = Republican. That would then suggest that Democrat = ?. Clearly there is no linkage to these two - there is no cause and effect; no direct correlation. Party affiliation is associated with a "best fit" approach. Religious affiliation is has much deeper roots ... people change parties all the time - and sometimes vote for the other party. I don't know very many Christians that change religions just because they didn't like the sermon that day ... and then switch back with the message changes. CONTINUE TO STAND UP FOR WHAT YOU BELIEVE !!!!