Cari Jennings


Relationship Status



Oakland High School

The Song Hell Itsself Created..

September 21 2005
also known as Hallelujah, Amen by Handel. this is the nickname given it by Sarah Walls and I. yesterday was MTSU Honors Choir, and lemme tell ya was fun. sorta. the best part was lunch @ Far East w/ Sarah, Katie, and Stokey Alers (Storey) among others. twas interesting. watched the premiere of Lost tonight...gosh, that's such a good show... but i'm kinda gettin tired of them leading you on for so long...nayways, went to church tonight which is always good. i really feel like i'm starting to go to church for the right reasons now. which is exciting. i think God is really changing my heart towards a lot of things. my mom found my glasses, which is great, cause now i get to drive again. muchos fun-os. i'm really kinda sad that i don't get to go to Chicago with Chamber Choir. i'd really love to. but alas. school was pretty good today. i didn't even know that it was picture day, so i boycotted and i'll get them made up later. today is Laura Beth's b-day...good cake... i'm just sitting here doin my homework from hell. gosh...make up work equals el-sucko. well, i gotta go run on unt treadmill...oh boy...much love. ---Cari

Song of the Day: Golddigger by Kanye West...

Abby Dee

September 22 2005
i heart you. FAR EAST KICKS BUTT

Rebekah Minor

September 22 2005
Hallelujah, Amen wasnt was Handel

Anthony Myers

September 22 2005
Lol! Sara Walls is nuts.